Are You A "Steemit Stalker"?

Are you a "Steemit Stalker?" Now before you get the wrong Idea, let me please explain. lol I have a friend (I won't put their name out there, but I'm sure they know who they are!...So I will refer to them In this post as "Steemy" lol) I mentioned about how "Steemy's" experience was going on steemit. Steemy said "great!" I asked was it hard to find quality content here, again Steemy said "No, not at all". I said "Doesn't it take time to sort thru all of the quality content on here?". Steemy said "Well that's the easiest part. I just look at YOUR post to see where you replied. Then I reply on the same post. That way, it saves me time and effort of having to sort thru all of the post that aren't interesting." I said what!?? lol Steemy said, "I've been stalking your post!" I didn't know what to say! On the one hand I felt like I had been doing the bulk of the work to find these great post. Focusing my time and attention. Looking intently on finding all the "Golden post" on here. On the other hand, that's a really smart way to do things:) I have to admit. But the whole time, my good friend "Steemy", had been cherry picking at the basket! Well we laughed and It's not a big deal. We are both on here to have fun! So, I wonder If there are any other "Steemit Stalkers" out there? Or, since you've been on this platform, have you been "Steemit Stalked"! lol Be honest, & tell the truth-

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