Annoucing Steem Hardfork 18; Keep Up with Latest Updates & Features of Version 0.18.1 [Infographics]


Steemit Witnesses have reached a consensus to Hardfork and Community request was made official on Github, Users can expect upcoming changes to be made to Steem's Protocol. The release is an amendment to 0.17.0 and will apply Hardfork 17 & 18 into one particular Update version 0.18.1 to be schedule for Thursday, 30 March 2017 15:00:00 UTC (11:00:00 EDT)

(Majority of Steem Witnesses are on version 0.18.1, We got ourself's a Fork!)

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Specific Information on Hardfork 0.17.0

What is a Hardfork?

As it relates to blockchain technology, a hard fork (or sometimes hardfork) is a radical change to the protocol that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid (or vice-versa), and as such requires all nodes or users to upgrade to the latest version of the protocol software. Put differently, a hard fork is a permanent divergence from the previous version of the blockchain, and nodes running previous versions will no longer be accepted by the newest version. This essentially creates a fork in the blockchain, one path which follows the new, upgraded blockchain, and one path which continues along the old path.

What's New with Hardfork 18


There are some new Features which Users can expect in the upcoming updates, since majority of Steem Witnesses had a difficult time to reach a consensus for Hardfork 17, so let's focus on major game-changing New Features to be added to the current version

Delegated Bandwidth: You can now delegate any part of your SP to other users to vote for you. Those who accumulated a reasonable amount of Steem Power can request others to Users to vote for you, this means so called Whales don't need to be on Steemit 24 hours voting for Content to enjoy Curation Rewards instead they can pick a person do it for them

Came Across this!
FireShot Capture 330 - Consensus Reached for Hardfork 17+18!_ - https___steemit.com_steem_@steemit.png

Arbitrary Reward Splitting: Allow Third-party Applications to Split Rewards among their Users, so anyone can monetize their own Application you built on top Steem! could receive a small share of the Rewards from it's Users, allowing them earn as an incentive for providing a service to Steemit Users

New Changes to be Introduced in Hardfork 18 Protocol

  • Comment Reward Pool
    The comment reward pool has been removed from the 0.17.0 release, meaning the planned ''Comment Reward Pool'' will NOT be activated in HF 18

  • Upvote Lockout
    The upvote lockout limit has been increased from 1 minute to 12 hours.

Is Hardfork 18, a Revision of the Pending Hardfork 17?

Steem Witnessess didn't reach a Consensus for Hardfork 17, all the changes found in that particular protocol are part of major changes planned for Hardfork 18, with few exceptional changes to implemented in the upcoming 0.18.1 version update

Why, don't Steemit Developer just rebrand it to Hardfork 17 instead of referring to it Hardfork 18, since HF 17 never took off? The main reason is due to technical difficulties that the new Version would not have use the same consensus rules as the existing Hardfork 17. Making adjustment on top Version 0.17.0 would result in a upgraded version which incorrectly implies that it was compatible to run alongside other 17 versions

To avoid any further misunderstanding between the 2 Hardfork, the latest new Hardfork Version Number will make it clear that there are new Consensus rules, that will require nodes to use 18.0 or above in order to work, however Hardfork 18 is pretty much Hardfork 17 but Revised with certain changes to be implmented such as Upvote Lockout & Removal of Comment Reward Pool

Implemented Features



Disclaimer: I Dedicated this Account to Write about Steemit! Not only do I get to learn more about this platform but I also get to connect with others! Do regret using a specific name like @Steemitguide, because everyone assumes i'm a Steemit Developer, so do go easy on me if you're Frustrated for whatever reason, especially if it has to do with Hardfork 18! Give Steemit Developers a chance to built this Platform, as i can see more good than bad resulting out of this. This is not some 40-50 year old dude behind screen, secretly working for Steemit. Just some Colleage Student, trying make sense out of Steemit



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