If you want to support STP - PLEASE RESTEEM this post!

TODAY - Sunday May 28th at 2PM CST / 7PM GMT...
For the first time in many many moons - Your friends @sykochica, @winstonwolfe, @raymonjohnstone, and @giftedgaia will ALL 4 be present & hosting the 38th Episode of the @SteemitTalk Podcast!
What is Steemit Talk Podcast?
Launched in July 2016: STP is a LIVE Podcast styled after a 'Radio Call-in Show' that discusses interesting authors & content found on Steemit.com using a free voice-chat program called 'Discord'.

How does the show work?
We love discussing Steemit with YOU! Simply download Discord on your PC, Mac, or Smart Phone for free by visiting:

Click the 'Listen Live_Sunday 2pm cst' link at the top right of the page.
New to Discord? Click this link for easy setup directions.

Once you're in the STP Discord Server - Look on the LEFT side of the window.
-Click & Join the 'STP - Live @ 2pm cst' VOICE Channel to hear the show Live.
-Click & Join 'STP_Live' TEXT Channel for text chat with the STP Hosts Live.
You'll want to be in both a 'text' and 'voice' channel at the same time!
Host View During The Show

If you want to support STP - PLEASE RESTEEM this post!
Be sure to Follow @SteemitTalk for future Podcasts & Live events.
We hope to meet you soon for discussion of all things: Life, Food, & Steemit!