GOOGLE SEARCH: When the penny drops, and it will ........ STEEMIT will explode..!!


I read an earlier blog about GOOGLE SEARCH identifying STEEMIT posts and it inspired me to share this blog.

First of all I apologise if I am stating the obvious, but for the ones unaware of the sheer power of Steemit, I just wanted to talk about GOOGLE SEARCH.


Yesterday I made a blog talking about the relationship between the creation of Fire and the creation of Blockchain Technology.

Today if you Google "creation of fire" and hit the "last 12 months", this article is number 4.

Some may know this as a feature of Steemit, some may not.

This blog is to help the ones that didn't know this.


I am constantly talking to friends and family about Steemit and one way I explain it is that Steemit is like having you very own webpage/website hosted for free..!!

More and more of my family and friends are finally beginning to wake up to the power of Steemit when I tell them to Google certain keywords.

It won't take long for more people to finally wake up and see this when the penny drops..!!

When it does and they suddenly realise the sheer influence their Blogs/Posts are having on Google, Steemit will explode.


It's all about using Keywords and trying different combinations to see what works.

Some people are better than others and it is something that I am working on to improve my Google Search Optimisation.

I hope some of this is of use and helps those that didn't know about this.

Thanks again for reading.


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