@maneco64: If you follow; The Markets, Precious Metals, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies and Investments I highly recommend you follow this guy.


I strongly believe that STEEMIT, and the Steemit Community that we are all in, is all about sharing Creative Content and recommending those Contents that you believe have value.

It is not often I recommend my followers to follow other STEEMIT Users but on this occasion I have decided that this was highly recommended.

If you follow; The Markets, Precious Metals, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies and Investments, to name but a few, I highly recommend you follow this guy @maneco64.

I have been following @maneco64 for a while now both on Twitter and recently on STEEMIT having subscribed to his youtube channel sometime ago.

With a background in Bonds, trading Futures and Options, he certainly knows his stuff and is an Asset to have on STEEMIT.

This is a great video and I highly recommend that you watch it where #maneco64 covers many topics, including; National Debt, Currencies, Bonds, Gold, Silver, Steemit and STEEM, to name but a few.

A great video for compelling viewing.

For me, if I had to choose one characteristic that I strongly believe STEEMIT will excel way above all other previous Social Media Platforms is engaging in the sharing of; Creative, Educational, Knowledgeable and Experienced individuals like this.

Thanks again for reading.


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