STEEMIT: 500 Followers in 1 month..!! I love you Steemit..!!


It only seemed like yesterday that I hit 1,000 followers, in fact it was only a month ago..!!

Today I have hit 1,500 followers and it prompted me to look back through my Blog, as I recalled that it was not that long ago I hit 1,000.

In fact it wasn't, it was only last month, and to put it into real context it is 30% of my Followers in one month against the ten months I have been here..!!


As most of you will know by now I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support of my Blog and cannot thank you all enough for the tremendous amount of generosity you have all given.

I have said it on many occasions that my time on STEEMIT has been without question THE BEST EXPERIENCE I have had on any Social Media Site, EVER..!!

Some people may say that this is a exaggeration or an overstatement, but in the last +10 years I do not recall earning over $50,000 doing what I enjoy.


For me STEEMIT really is a WIN - WIN - WIN - WIN - WIN SITUATION and this was reiterated in a recent reply I made to a comment left on Youtube to someone who asked why I was going to the effort of handing out flyers to Students in Universities in the U.K..

My response was  very simple.....

"Thank you. Over the last few weeks I have spoken to well over +500 students not only about STEEMIT but about Social Media as a whole. These +500 chats are so valuable. Why?  Because it has educated me about the Market we are selling to. This 18yr - 24yr is the Market we need to tap. For me handing out the flyers is a win win win win win situation. The students win because they learn about STEEMIT. STEEMIT wins because it opens up awareness. The price wins because it creates a bigger Community. The Community wins because the reward pool grows. ...and I win because I own STEEM and Blog..!! I hope this helps. Stephen"

Once again a MASSIVE THANK YOU to you all for supporting my Blog and help making STEEMIT a true Global Social Media Phenomenon..!!

Thanks again for reading.


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