STEEMIT: Currently 72% of people think STEEM & STEEMIT is something more Powerful than a Blogging Tool, Cryptocurrency or Social Media Site..!!

TWITTER POLL - 72% think it is "...Something more Powerful..!!"

A couple of days ago I tabled a poll on Twitter and I thought I would just share with you the latest results.

To recap, I was inspired to do the poll after I had a conversation with a good friend I met up with while I was away last week.

As mentioned when I first made the poll, he was fully aware of Bitcoin, Crypotocurrencies, Steem and Steemit, though not a holder or user of any.

It was after about an hour of talking to him that the penny suddenly dropped for him and he suddenly asked this very simply question....." STEEM and STEEMIT ....a Blogging Tool? ....a Cryptocurrency? ....a Social Media Site? ....or Something more Powerful?"

Here is the link to the Twitter poll....

I must admit I am not surprised that "...something more powerful..!!" is leading the poll.

Thanks again for reading and thank you to everyone who has participated in the poll so far.


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