STEEMIT: Have you ever wondered what people Blog about the most on STEEMIT? Here is the top 200 Blogging Categories.


Have you ever wondered what people Blog about the most on STEEMIT?

Above is the top 200 Blogging Categories, showing the number of Blogs made per Category.

Regular readers of my Blog will know that recently I have kicked started #promo-uk, a Crowdsourced Marketing Initiative for the Marketing and Promotion of STEEMIT in the U.K. 

Part of the Initiative was to produce flyers and hand them out in around City Centres throughout the U.K.

On the flyer we have listed the Top Categories and it has proven to be a winning formula as we have found that when we speak to people they automatically can focus on a topic that they know they would be comfortable Blogging about.

By giving them this list of Top Blogging Categories on the flyer allows them to feel part of the Community straight away, should they see a Category that they know they would feel comfortable Blogging about.

We have found that having; Photography, Life and Art as the Top Three Categories on the flyer allows us to focus in on the Creativity Element of the Community when we are talking to them.

Over the last few weeks we have spoken to well over +500 people, mainly students, and it is our strong believe that by having these Categories on the flyer allows us to breakdown the barrier with the market almost instantly.


Thanks for reading.


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