STEEMIT: How to get 50 million STEEMIT Users in 20 weeks from 5,000 Flyers..!!

5,000 - 50,000,000 Users in 20 weeks

Before anyone jumps down my throat and starts ripping this to pieces, I wanted to put this out just to show you the difference between moaning about something and doing it.

Recently I kicked started an Initiative in the U.K. to Market and Promote STEEMIT and part of this Initiative was to set a target to distribute no fewer than 100,000 Flyers in and around Cities across the U.K.

Is this target of 100,000 achievable?

Anything is achievable if you set your mind to it!

Moaners and Do'ers

In the last +30 years I have been in business, I have come across 1,000's of people both through business and pleasure.

When I meet people they always fit into 2 boxes; The Moaners and The Do'ers.

During these 30 years I have been unfortunate to have met a lot of Moaners but these have always been overshadowed by The Do'ers no matter how many they were.

What I have found that has repeated throughout my life is that 1 good Do'er will always outperform 100's if not 1,000's of Moaners.

What I have found is that while The Moaners are moaning, The Do'ers are rolling up their sleeves and doing it..!!

5,000 Flyers

Back to the flyers. 

What I wanted to demonstrate was would happen if EVERYONE who joined STEEMIT was a Do'er and The Moaners were left to moan to themselves on Facebook.

What would then happen if all these Do'ers handed out 5,000 flyers EACH and managed to pull in just 10 NEW USERS each..!!

What would happen if this was done in 5 weeks and then repeated a further 3 times?

Now like I said at the beginning, don't jump down my throat and start ripping this to pieces, as logistically it would likely be un-achievable.

HOWEVER, what would happen if just a fraction of this was done.

I would be amazed, that even if you sliced this down to 1:50 handing out flyers, that the target achieved was less than 500,000..!! ....and that is just 20 weeks..!!

I guess it will be down to The Doe'rs to work it out.

Thanks again for reading.


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