STEEMIT: I am so excited to see that after 9 months on Steemit I have joined the Top 150 Bloggers Ranked by Posting Awards.

RANKED 143 by Posting Rewards

Regular readers of my Blog will know I am a massive fan of and for any New Users to STEEMIT who have yet to visit STEEMWHALES.COM I highly recommend you check out their stats.

Having joined STEEMIT last August and Blogging for the last 9 months I am very excited to see that I have managed to join the Top 150 Bloggers Ranked by Posting Awards.


What an amazing journey it has been so far and I thank each and every one of you who have voted on my Blog and made this journey the BEST journey I have had on any Social Media Platform without any shadow of doubt.

In these last 9 months I have met some exceptionally talented and creative individuals and it is this creativity that people are able to share and be rewarded for that is set to lift the bar on Social Media.

I Have Waited Nearly 10 Years

Most of you will know by now I have waited nearly 10 years for a Site like STEEMIT to come along and began my search over 4 years ago to find one powered on the BLOCKCHAIN.

To say that I am excited would be an understatement and comes nowhere near to how I feel right now.

Capital Markets

By lifting the bar on Social Media, STEEMIT has completely thrown out the rule book not only for Social Media but in essence the way future Capital Markets will be structured.

We haven't even scratched the surface yet and when people finally wake up to what STEEMIT and the complete STEEM ECOSYSTEM has actually done, take it from me, it won't have a Market Capital of <$200 million..!!

+30 Years Experience

With over 30 years experience in Technology, Finance, Investing and Business under my belt, trust me I know I am right.

We are witnessing what some people would say was an unprecedented shift in Capital Markets from the conventional Shareholder/Stakeholder Structures in Companies that have been around since the mid 1970's to one that will see Cryptography play a MASSIVE ROLE by utilising the sheer brute force of the BLOCKCHAIN..!!

Let's face it the way Capital Markets are structured at the moment were ok for your grandparents, but this is 2017 and we are already seeing the clear signs that the structure of these Markets are fundamentally changing.

These are exciting times, these are VERY, VERY, VERY EXCITING TIMES..!!

Thanks again for reading.


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