STEEMIT: Promoting Steemit with a Global Promotion #Tag.

#Steemit #crowdsourcing #promotion

It is awesome to see the various Steemit Promotion Initiatives rolling out across the globe now and I thought it would be a fantastic idea if there was ONE Globally recognised Tag for these great initiatives.

Above is a sample of what we could have and it would be great if there was ONE that we all agreed on.

For me it doesn't matter what it is called as long as we all recognised it as a Global Promotion Tag.

As we move into this exciting phase of rolling out the various Global Marketing and Promotion Initiatives, having ONE recognised Tag for Marketing and Promoting will allow us to capture some of the amazing work that is being done without running the risk of losing some great Marketing and Promotion ideas.

For me, Crowdsourcing the Marketing and Promotion of Steemit was a genius idea, however without a recognised structure to co-ordinate all these amazing initiatives, we run the risk of watering down what could potentially be a very powerful tool.

Thanks for reading.


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