STEEMIT: When you have got Steemit ...who wants a Centralised System? The tsunami sirens are already deafening..!!


A long time ago when I decided to stop using Facebook it was met by a barrage of abuse, not from random strangers and people I hardly knew, but from my closest friends and even family.

I don't mind sharing information, if that very same information I share is: validated, evaluated and rewarded upon.

I am buggered if I am going to share any: likes, dislikes, wishes, dreams, desires, goals, achievements and my inner most personal thoughts, if those very same: likes, dislikes, wishes, dreams, desires, goals, achievements and my inner most personal thoughts are going to be USED AGAINST ME..!!

Bugger that..!!

No matter how hard I try to tell people that just because it looks all cool, sexy and everyone is doing it, doesn't necessary mean it is good to do so.

Our inner most sensitive data and information is packaged up and sold off to the highest bidder and no one seems to give a damn.


Although I hate using the term I came up with a few years ago, "Social Raping" is a term I often use to try and shock people into listening to what I have to say.

Social Media is a Multi-Trillion Dollar Industry and yet in most instances it is FREE to use.

You do not need a Science Degree to work out why it is FREE and who are the beneficiaries of your inner most thoughts..!!

More often than not when something is FREE it is usually the total opposite and will COST you a fortune in time.


With the advent of BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY Social Media is to undergo a controlled demolition as mass migration shifts from a Centralised and Dictated Environment to a Decentralised and Distributed one where NO ONE owns the Data..!!


STEEMIT has positioned itself faultlessly in what is set to become a Revolutionary Shift in the way Social Media will operate in the DECADES to come.

This truly is an "Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity" for anyone who gets in now before the REAL numbers hit, like a tsunami without warning.

Only in our case, the tsunami sirens are already deafening..!!

Thanks for reading.


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