TWITTER POLL: STEEM and STEEMIT something more powerful..??


Yesterday I tabled a poll on Twitter and I just wanted to share with you the latest results.

I was inspired to do the poll after I had a great conversation while I was away last week.

I had many chats with friends while I was away but it was this particular chat I had with a good friend I have known for many years who is now in his mid 20's.

Just to recap, he was fully aware of Bitcoin, Crypotocurrencies, Steem and Steemit, though not a holder or user of any.

It was after about an hour of talking to him that the penny suddenly dropped for him and he suddenly asked this very simply question....." STEEM and STEEMIT ....a Blogging Tool? ....a Cryptocurrency? ....a Social Media Site? ....or Something more Powerful?"

Rather than me answer it, I thought I would poll it to see what people thought.

Here is the link to the Twitter poll....

I must admit I am not surprised that "...something more powerful..!!" is leading the poll.

Thanks again for reading.


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