TWITTER POLL: People are simply fed up with Facebook..!!


Regular readers of my Blog may have noticed that I have not been around this week.

I was away for the Bank Holiday Weekend and decided to extend my break a few days.

It was a great break and one that allowed me to reflect on the last nine months I have been Blogging on STEEMIT.

As most of you know who read my Blog I am a massive fan of the site and have on many occasions explained that I had been waiting nearly ten years for a site like STEEMIT to come along, four of which I have been pursuing a site on the Blockchain.

When I was first introduced to STEEMIT back in August of last year it took me seconds to realise it's potential as it was EXACTLY what I had been looking for all that time.

Some might say that waiting ten years for something is way too long to wait, I for one would totally disagree.

Ten years is nothing if what you have been waiting for is EXACTLY what you wanted.


Most of you who follow me regularly will know that recently I put together #promo-uk, a Crowdsourced Marketing Initiative for the Marketing and Promotion of STEEMIT in the U.K. and I am looking forward to continuing the roll out of the Initiative throughout the summer.

Part of the Initiative is handing out Flyers to people on the streets, at the same time as having a good chat with them about STEEMIT.

As most of you will know, I have spoken to well over +500 people in the last few months while out on the streets, and this "One-on-one Engagement" was extended while I was away.

Over the last few days I have spoken to a lot of friends, old and new, and one thing that has totally overwhelmed me was just how fed up people were with Facebook.

While I have been talking to the students in and around Manchester I have felt a real sense of discontent about people's user experience when it came to Facebook, but it has been these last few days that this discontent and disconnect that people have with Facebook is absolutely alarming.

To say that people are fed up would be an understatement.


One of the conversations I had while I was away was with a friend I have known for many years who is now in his mid 20's.

He was fully aware of Bitcoin, Crypotocurrencies, Steem and Steemit, though not a holder or user of any.

It was after about an hour of talking to him that the penny suddenly dropped for him and he suddenly asked this very simply question.....

" STEEM and STEEMIT ....a Blogging Tool? ....a Cryptocurrency? ....a Social Media Site? ....or Something more Powerful?"

It was then that I knew that those ten years waiting for STEEMIT to come along were well worth the wait.

This morning I have tabled a poll on Twitter to see what people really think.

Here is the link...

I guess we will know in three days..!!

Thanks again for reading.


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