With a slight drop in the number of new accounts recently registered, pressure builds on the Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set.

Number of Accounts Registered in 2017


+370,000 Accounts currently registered

Though we are still seeing accounts steadily being registered this trend is slowing down slightly.

Recently we have seen a slight drop in the number of new accounts registered on #Steemit and though we now have over 370,000 accounts currently, pressure is building in the uptake to achieve the Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set.

Minimum Target of 650,000 previously set

The 650,000 Account Target set in June was made at a time when we was witnessing a spike in the growth of new accounts.

Sadly this spike has appeared to have somewhat slowed down, albeit slightly.

Though the long trend trend is still growing, the short term trend has slowed down.

With 104 days to go to the end of the end of the year and with approx. 370,400 accounts currently registered we would need to see a further 279,600 new accounts to hit the +650,000 target.

The average number of accounts in September has drop slightly to 1,649 new accounts per day.

To hit the target of a further 279,600 new accounts over the remaining 104 days, we would need an average of 2,689 new accounts being registered per day.

This equates to a growth of approximately +63.1%. [( 2,689 / 1,649 ) -1].

To put things into perspective, the last time the numbers were presented, September was showing an average of 1,775 new accounts per day and we had 108 days to go.

This equated to a growth of approximately +48.5%. [( 2,635 / 1,775 ) -1].

On other words, more effort needs to be done to achieve the same target.

Anything can be done, but it needs a coordinated effort

Is the Minimum Target of +650,000 Accounts still achievable?

Anything can be done, and everything is achievable, but it needs a coordinated effort in the Marketing and Promotion of #Steemit.

Thanks for reading.


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