Dear Steemit, why do you undervalue your developers who make this platform big and usable?

Since my first intro on Steemit, i've been paving my way up the ranks and reputation where each step brought me closer to the inner community of those who give actual use to Steemit: The developers.

From the top dogs, to the new underdog developers, we all share one thing: The passion for what we do.

During many talks with many people that i've started to know beyond their nicknames by sharing experiences, advice, ideas and concepts, one detail started to be obvious for most. We feel undervalued by this community. Now hold your horses! I'm not talking about the financial aspect to be clear. All we do and create is to help this community and to challenge and improve our own skills.

The thing here is simple; We don't get the recognition we deserve. We're spending countless hours staring at code for you're improvement or pleasure, for the community's sake and for the future of Steem. I'm having a hard time finding ANY new community where this amount of work and tools have been made and created by it's users, making Steemit and STEEM very usefull to anyone without knowledge on blockchain technology. This also includes the big dogs, like @dan and @ned. When do you guys ever thank them for the work, when will you ever leave a message about the work they've done? Yup. When you're looking to get an upvote most likely.

Well fellow Steemers, we feel undervalued when getting 200 upvotes in 12 hours for a work we've spend all our free time on, while some guy promoting drugs, or some other one-post-guy get's 500 votes and makes a 15k post in under 3 hours. Sometimes it feels like a slap in the face, and again, i'm not talking about the financial rewards here!

All i'm saying is, if you use a tool made by someone, send him your upvote, even if it's an older post. If you see a developer announce some usefull tool, upvote it, try it, use it, and leave some feedback.

All i'm saying is, don't be a sheep and blindly upvote random crap just because a whale upvoted it. Read the posts, judge yourself, look at how it could benefit the platform, support active writers/developers instead of one-post people, and please! Stop upvoting that #introduceyourself - The hype is over!

Small PS note

I never heard any developer literally complaining about this. I do feel most of us agreeing on this matter without the need to discuss it. It's just a 'Aah man, look! This random guy get's voted up for no reason and our hard work gets no votes' thing. Like said before, we all love what we do, and will continue to do it!

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