Development update regarding Steempay - SteemPayments | Release delayed

Quick update to the people following me and the progress of Steempay

Steempay v1.0 release will be delayed for 2 more days. This allows us to further improve the codebase, the documentation and the payment button generator before releasing.

Also the UI is an major factor. Right now, @cass is taking care of an amazing layout to process the payments.
See @cass/sneak-preview-steempay-design-concept-payment-processing for a preview.

Another factor that leads to this delay is the migration from a shared hosting to a dedicated server. This will further improve the speed and stability needed for a payment processor.

I've also had a suprise for you all (see my previous post) but this needs the Steempay interface as well, so launch is planned once Steempay v1.0 is online!

Keep on Steeming!

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