Have I Missed the STEEM Boat? Is It Too Late to Get In?


Those around me that have heard me Preach about crypto-currency, Bitcoin and especially STEEM for the past year are now asking me qusestions wanting to know more. Many of them ask me if it is too late to get started investing and blogging on STEEMIT.

First I always tell people that I am not a financial adviser and that everything I say or write is strictly my opinion or belief. Then I tell them that if they are going to invest anything, be it their time or money or anything else, to be prepared to possibly lose it all because ALL investments carry risk. You can lose the time you put in or even worse actually lose physical goods like money as well. After that, then I proceed to tell them about Bitcoin, Steem and crypto-currency.

And so to answer the question "Have I missed the STEEM boat?" the answer is clearly and emphatically "NO!" Although Bitcoin has been around since 2009, it really didn't become a major news story until 2014. Litecoin arrived sometime in 2011 with or Alt-coins to follow. The next game changer to follow was Ethereum with its Smart Contracts and Dapps in 2015.

Then in 2016 the next major game changer to arrive into the crypto-currency world was STEEM and STEEMIT.COM, changing social media forever. Steem has integrated social media and crypto-currency for the first time allowing non-technical people to enter crypto-currency. Steemit.com allows for people to blog and earn crypto-currency without having to "Mine" for it. This is what makes STEEMIT a game changer. It will help introduce the non-techie world into the technical world of crypto-currencies and Blockchain technologies. Steem is in its infancy, and even at a price of $2.50, it is still very early in its lifespan and potential. This is the time to get in, whether it is by investing in STEEM, or creating an account on STEEMIT.COM and earning your Steem or both. This is the time to do it because although the STEEM BOAT has not left the dock, it is loading up and will eventually skyrocket.


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