rand-O-whale ===>> VS. <<=== RANDO-m-WHALE -- DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE!!

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I guess even in Heaven there was a Devil, so too, STEEMIT is not perfect with its occasional dysfunctional user. For the most part I have had nothing but pleasant experiences here on STEEMIT. The community is composed of what seems like 99.9% grateful people. Some of us have our disagreements about how the community should grow or the direction it should head into, but for the most part it seems like most everyone's intention here is for their betterment and that of STEEMIT.

@randowhale is such a project, helping the STEEMIT User community grow through support of the 'Common' Steemit user's posts. The idea is you send or transfer 2 STEEM DOLLARS (SBD's) to the @randowhale account, and in the memo section before making the transfer, you paste a copy of the link to your most recent blog you wish to 'promote' to the @randowhale account.

Somehow, which I still haven't figured out how, they get some idle "Whale Power" to vote on your article. I believe you receive a Whale vote of anywhere between 1% up to 50% of a Whale's voting power to help get your post paid. So far I have used it 4 times, 3 successfully receiving decent payouts for the SBD's spent. The 1 UNSUCCESSFUL attempt at using @randowhale was the fault of 2 STEEMIT USERS.

The first user who made my STEEMIT experience suck is MYSELF. Although the mistake was NOT costly, only 2 SBD's, it opened my eyes to the fact that as much fun and how 'Perfect' STEEMIT.COM has seemed, there are some nefarious characters in the STEEMIT World. I have been very vigilant from the very beginning of my crypto-currency experience, also choosing caution over greed when making my crypto-currency investment decisions. I have been fortunate to have missed out on some of the Bitcoin Miner Scams that became very prevalent throughout 2014 and 2015, with many Bitcoin investors losing their Bitcoin and never receiving 'Mining Equipment.' Fast forward to 2017, I have come out unscathed from scams until a few days ago.

I heard about Whale Shares and all the hype they are generating with this project a few weeks ago. I have been thinking about picking up some Whale Shares but haven't had a chance to do so. Then I heard about a similar project that developed out of the Whales Shares idea. I am not sure if it was done in response to Whale Shares, but @randowhale was launched recently. Folks, this is IMPORTANT. The 'Good' project is @randowhale , that is R A N D O W H A L E , without the 'M.'

Without thinking and after having done my so called 'homework,' I made my 2 SBD transfer to the @randoMwhale with an 'M.' The letter 'M' was obviously the difference between the GOOD project and the BAD project. So after sending my 2 SBD's to the WRONG account, I waited with nothing happening. The post I was hoping to have a whale vote for was still without it, so I looked into it. That is when I realized my mistake in adding an 'M' to the @randowhale account.

Upon researching the account that now had my 2 SBD's, I realized that I had sent my 2 SBD's to an account that is not related to the @randowhale project. Instead, it was most likely purposely created to catch people making the same typo mistake such as myself. My research led me FULL CIRCLE to a character here on STEEMIT.COM that I had attempted to help, not knowing that there was a reason to why others here on Steemit.com where FLAGGING all his post. I had read a few of the recent post, where it appears that this User is seemingly posting about the Positive things around them, but yet his posts where flagged. I did not delve deep into why or what had caused the flagging. I SHOULD have known better than to attempt to get involved but I though I was doing a good thing by supporting this user until I realized that this same user was the creator of the randoMwhale.

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 1.03.50 AM.pngDo NOT send to this account

Upon realizing that the same user that was getting flagged was the same creator of this imposter account, I attempted to contact said individual. I was truly hoping that this user would take this chance to show his 'True Colors' or intentions here on STEEMIT.COM. So I sent a message attempting to retrieve my miss sent SBD's. Even though it is a very trivial amount of SBD's, it can begin to add up if enough users make the same mistake. Yet the SBD's are not the real issue, it is the bad intentions and the bad experience that a newer user will experience because of actions such as this.

Protecting the Steemit Way of Life
At BernieSanders vs. Bad Fish

The moral of the story is that in this New Age of Crypto-currency, its users still need to tread with much caution. There are many good projects and there will be many bad one too. Many of these bad players will play on Greed while others such as this character will play on our mistakes. The Crypto World is growing very fast, and there will be growing pains. Thankfully there are players out there like @berniesanders , love'em or hate'em, that proceed as they see fit when it harms what they perceive as their Heaven on Earth.

Full Steem Ahead!

So You Want To Mine Bitcoin

Code rT5ix8 =3% off + Bonus in STEEM!
I provide the bonus STEEM

image sources:
Pic 1 Pixabay
Pic 2 Pixabay
Pic 3 Pixabay
Pic 4 freegreatpicture.com
Pic 5 - screenshot
Pic 6 flickr

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