This Train Has No Brakes Part 2 - Steemit Engine No. 1000

So I did what I said I was going to do in my last post (@streetstyle/this-train-has-no-brakes-full-usdteem-ahead-overnight-15), and that was to acquire more Steem but ultimately with the intention of converting to STEEM POWER, with my goal to reach 1000 STEEM POWER.


First, let me start off by saying that whatever I invest, and this should go for all of you as well, I am willing to lose. Anything can happen, good or bad. But at this point, it is worth the risk. And so with that, back to topic of achieving 1000 STEEM POWER in my account.
Actually there are many different reasons why I want to continue to invest in STEEM and ultimately in attaining at minimum 1000 STEEM POWER, but for now I only want to consider the example of @wanda-suminar . I hope she doesn't mind that I use her account as an example, but there is nothing negative about I am going to say and demonstrate, and it is open for all to see. And this just might help her gain some more exposure and Steem. So let's start of with this picture from of @wanda-suminar 's account, and when she first created it 57 days ago. Luckily for her, they still offered 10 Steem Power to open your user account.
Now go to @wanda-suminar or look at the picture below of her wallet
and notice that she has only posted twice, and received just under 1 Steem Power. So What am I getting at?? That in approximately 2 months she nearly doubled her 10 STEEM POWER, without really doing much. So the logic is to add 2 more zeros to that figure, making it 1000 STEEM Power, and in theory you should have somewhere around 1850 STEEM POWER in about 2 months, as demonstrated by wanda's account. Now imagine if you upvoted, commented and blogged. You would easily make a total of 2000 Steem Power at the end of those 2 months.

So after about 2 months, you could power down the STEEM POWER, and receive payments of 1% of the Steem Power per week, but I wouldn't recommend that. Seeing how fast wanda's account grew makes me want to leave it all in STEEM POWER, but "no one goes broke taking a profit." So at this point it might be wise to collect some of your initial startup money and returning it back to your pockets, as well as maintaining a small investment position in Bitcoin and STEEM.

So for now, my goal is to acquire 1000 STEEM POWER as soon as possible. I will add more STEEM POWER later Tonite. For now here is a pic. of my wallet showing my most recent Power Ups. Imgur
just like I said I would in my last post.
#steemit #steempower #bitcoin #cryptocurrency

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