Today I was Released by @dantheman & BECAME A DOLPHIN!!

The Post That Did It!

It has almost been 24 hrs since I posted STEEMD - "THE DASH PANEL" on My Blog. I felt good about my post. I kept it concise and to the point with some graphics to help visualize the numbers that I was referring to in the article. Although I knew it was a good post, and more importantly provided a "different angle" to view STEEMIT's numbers from, I didn't not expect an up vote from @dantheman . This totally caught me by surprise.

I have been on STEEMIT.COM as a user now for a little over 1 month. The more I learn about STEEMIT and how its internals work, the more I become appreciative of STEEM in general, and can foresee great things to come For and Because of STEEMIT. As I understand its fundamentals, I have become more enthralled. So much so, that I decided I wanted to become a Dolphin.

The Hook

I have gone through my ups and downs on STEEMIT.COM. When I first heard about STEEMIT.COM, I visited the site, looked around and did see those big DOLLAR $igns in front of some of those posts. But I also searched further, and found that there were many more posts that did not receive as many votes or Dollar$. As I studied STEEMIT for a day or two more, I understood the significance of this new Crypto-Currency slash Social Media site. STEEMIT integrated a Social Media Network with a BlockChain that would incentivize its Authors/Curators with MicroTransactions or higher payouts from its own reserve of "newly minted" Crypto-Currency called STEEM.

I was hooked. I created an account, and made a few posts "just to get my feet wet." I found that it was not that complicated to create a post, and found it even easier to comment, reply or vote. I was on for a few days, when the notorious STEEM HACK occurred, and I happened to be one of the unlucky ones who had their account compromised. I was now locked out. After a few days of not being able to log back on or post, I wrote "my come back" letter for when my account would be unlocked and returned to me. I was told all was good, no loss of money and it would not be long before I could login again. But then I was told that it would take longer to insure the integrity of those accounts that had been compromised. By now I was losing it, seeing everyone else post and interact, and I was locked out. So I had my friend @edreno post MY LETTER for me and it went VIRAL. I was ecstatic for @edreno and myself. I spilt the rewards with @edreno .


My resolve to become a Dolphin was now embedded into my being. I opened a @poloniex account and traded some Bitcoin for STEEM DOLLARS as well as STEEM. I Powered up my STEEM into STEEM POWER. I began to up vote others, and comment. I posted some more and traded more Bitcoin for STEEM and turned it into STEEM POWER. Any rewards that I received, I turned almost immediately into STEEM and then STEEM POWER. I finally was at 9.92mV, .08mV more to officially join the HERO/DOLPHIN ranks, when I posted my STEEMD article yesterday. A little while later @dantheman must have seen it and read it, and then up voted it, releasing me into the STEEMIT Ocean as as Dolphin / Hero #594.

BUT I thank everyone who has supported me here on STEEMIT. COM, be it with a positive or supportive comment or reply. I also thank all those who are following me, and Most Importantly, I thank all of those who up voted my comments, replies, posts and blog. I would not have made it this far without you. Thank you STEEMIT community.
I truly feel like that Dolphin jumping out of the water!

Full $TEEM Ahead! ________________________________________________________________________________


My Top Blogs
- STEEMD - The Dash Panel
- Newbies Unite

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