Whale Redistribution of Wealth -- "LOOKING FOR WHALE LOVE" -- By The Numbers

Where's My Piece of The Pie?

I am posting the last 30 days of numbers showing the Steemit Stake held by each group. It is still very early in the life of STEEMIT.COM, and many changes have occurred in the last month. At this point, in my opinion, it is still too soon to really see Wealth Re-distribution happening. The numbers do show it happening, although it might not be fast enough for some.

Pie Chart for 7/25/16

The Dust group stake stood that same in the last 30 days. Grouping Newbies and Users as Minnows, we now see the Minnow stake 1.17 % of the STEEMIT STAKE and Dolphins (Superusers & Heros) with 11.56%. The Whales (which to me include the SuperHeroes & Legends) Lowered their Stake Holding to a total of 87.27% of the STEEMIT STAKE.
Pie Chart 08/23/16

We can reasonably state that the Minnows have not Powered down and cashed out their stake (it's too soon and not enough for most). We can also state that part of the reason the Minnow Stake grew is because the @steemit account funds all new accounts with some Steem Power and there are many new users that have signed up in the last 30 days. The Minnow Stake grew by about 27% going from .92% to 1.17%.

The Dolphins' Steemit Stake grew by 10% in the last 30 days. The Dolphin Stake went from about 10.54% to 11.56%. It is also reasonable to assume that most Dolphins have not Powered Down and cashed out either. I believe, if anything, that the Dolphin stake has grown due to their Authoring and Curating, and quite possibly because they have Invested and Purchased Steem and/or Steem Power.


When watching Whales on Cable or TV, they always seem to move slow and meander methodically. I imagine, for the scuba diver next it, that must not be the case. So to here on the STEEMIT Ocean for most of us, watching the Whales from afar, they seem to me moving slow. Yet for those that happen to get up voted by the Whales, then they get to feel the velocity of a Whale Up Vote, up close and personal.

The numbers suggest to me one Very Important thing for the Minnows. FIND THE DOLPHIN PODS minnows. Their Stake and Population is growing quickly. An Up Vote from a Dolphin could be the push your story needs to find its way to the Whales.

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