Explaining Blogging and Crushing Your Dreams [for minnows] - FollowUp thoughts on heiditravels "10 Reasons Why Steemit is Ideal for Bloggers/Vloggers"

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Steemit really is a great place to blog. I can agree with all the points Heidi made in her post, but I can also see how new-comers might not agree. It's been a tough road for me and surely is very hard for most of the new members around here. Time and time again I come across questions like "how come I don't earn anything?" and in most cases all I see is a new member with a few short posts. It's obvious how the game is played on Steemit, but let's break it down.

Let's forget about Steemit for now.

What is blogging all about?

It's about sharing something with the world. In a way it's like a diary that's intended to be read by strangers. You write down whatever your are interested in, make it appealing to your readers and do it every day. That's about it.
Many people make money from their blogs. Let's look at someone like Sargon of Akkad from Youtube. He started out by calling out all the bullshit in politics and especially third-wave feminism. He didn't do it for money, he did it because no one else did it, he just had to vent. Over time that hobby which came naturally to him became his profession.

When you start your blog ask yourself: would you pay yourself for the blogs you produce? If not, why should anyone else?
"But that trending post has no value! I wouldn't pay for it!" Well, it might not have value to you, but for many others it has. The value might not be something you expect. People tend to get hooked by attractive personalities. They don't necessarily come back to read about a specific topic, but rather spend time with that persona. If you want a big audience you'll have to create an attractive persona, that means knowing your audience and also a bit of acting by your part. Find your strengths and build upon them!

You'll never get far if you concentrate on the size of your following!

Here's a tip: do what comes naturally to you. Once a month has passed you'll probably quite good at it. Now make a decision, do you want to change your online persona or are you happy with how things are going. Find ways to be more attractive, change things up a bit and give it another month.
Imitate the best. Try to adopt a style some great bloggers have you are already following on other sites. Don't worry about being a copy-cat, you'll most likely end up with your own unique style of writing.
If you are happy with your style of posts and are happy doing it, just keep on doing it. You cannot force people to like you, they'll come at their own pace.

It's all true on Steemit too!!!

Build your online persona to something you are happy with first.
I think a great analogy would be life in general. You can't expect success if you don't put in the effort. Most of our problems in life derive from ill conceived thoughts and laziness. If you want to change something in the world start with your room first.

Success MIGHT come over time

Who's to say you'll find success? No one! And you better be ready for it.
While the thought of blogging for money - getting paid for fun - is highly addictive and desirable, it's still a thing for the few. Don't be upset if you won't hit it big. The majority won't. It's just how things are. But Steemit offers the change for even the unlucky ones to get some rewards over time and if you like blogging, Steemit IS the place for you! Just don't expect quick rewards, you'll only set yourself up for disappointment.

Hope this was useful!

If you found things you don't agree with let me know or write a post about it! If you wish to share a similar message, go ahead and write about it in your own words.
Never think about "this has been done before" when you start blogging. Most of what people write about has at some point already been written about. It's all about sharing and looking at things at a new angle. There are always people in your audience who will find your information new and refreshing.

So jump on the train and start writing!

It's a bear!
pictures from pixaby.com

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