What about producing a USER GENERATED STEEMIT VIDEO in order to encourage growth?

Lately there have been a lot of voices defining "growth" as THE key factor for steemit´s success in the medium term, among them Ned himself (e.g. during his recent interview on Cheddar TV). 

That, my personal and infinite commitment to the community and the fact that I have been working in marketing for a decade leads me to propose you the following idea.

The idea of a steemit promotion video 

A. Benefits 

What could be the benefits of producing and publishing a promotion video for steemit - having in mind that we want to make the platform grow:  

  1. Easy to hande and to share: It´s a perfect tool for already involved users to promote the platform in all of their other social media networks - or wherever or with whom they wanna share it. I often talked to other community members whol told me stories like: 'I convinced my brother to join steemit' or 'I invited my partner to open an account'... A nice promotion video would support all these already existing opinion makers during their word of mouth marketing process. 
  2. High potential: The steemit community is highly involved with and super commited to the platform (see: steemfest and its output). That means that a high percentage of active users would love to spread the idea. And their friends will tell their friends and... the ball will be rolling fast. So there is a high viral potential! 
  3. Easy to produce / low costs: We could start with a simple video editing, hand-made, authentic, catchy, involving, memorable. Like that there won´t be any production costs. At steemfest 2 we may take the opportunity to shoot a high end version, since we will have a lot of users at one place at the same time. 
  4. Direct target transfer: Since the video will be published online, steemit.com / the login is just one click away. So there would be a quite good conversion rate to be expected. 
  5. Brand communication: The following concept will show that this video would be the perfect tool to "explain" steemit and increase the brand awareness. It´s ideal to communicate steemit´s brand values in a very sophisticated way. Being a new brand the platform is still relatively unknown so besides the acquisition of new users the platform needs to be constantly promoted. 

B. The concept 

The concept idea is that the community itself (real people) would promote the platform in that video. The actors would do that by confessing why they are steemers (or steemians, I am still not sure which is the correct form). Every member who would like to participate could record a short video (just a few seconds) where stating why he/she loves being part of steemit.com. 

Besides the given link to the platform (example: "I am a steemer because I believe in cryptocurrency.") every user should be seen in his/her natural environment. Like this we will have a nice variety of characters (that´s the sophisticated twist) and a plenty of reasons why people should join the community. Examples for these natural and characteristic environments: doing sports, cooking, reading, playing with your kids, lying in bed, whatever.... you will know!  

To make it clear I just uploaded an example - my personal confession: 'I AM A STEEMER BECAUSE..." (I should have done the video before surfing and not after it, my eyes were full of salty water and I barely could see anything. Anyway, I think it´s OK to explain the idea...:-)) 

The confessions would be chained up, so the final video would be a series of these user statements, opened and closed with some brand information (slogan, logo, etc. - here we would need some help from the bosses).
Like that we would have a nice list of reasons why it is cool and worth being a steemer. 

C. Matching the concept with potential target groups

Depending on how many confession videos we may generate, we could do several promotion clips depending on the target group we want to reach. We will have steemers who are here because they are writers, journalists, bloggers, poets (they are here because "their voice is worth someting") or because they are cooks, artists, musicians, designers (and they love to promote their products), or because they love social media (and don´t feel comfortable any more on other platforms) or because they are economists, computer scientists (who have invested in steemit are mainly interested in the financial aspects and technical background of the platform). And of course there are a LOT more, these were just some examples to explain the idea. 

In the end every person (here: actor) already involved with steemit and promoting the idea in the video would match with a potential target group to catch. 

Like that we would stoke: IDENTIFICATION. 

D. The storyboard 

This is just an outline to visualize the idea. As previously mentioned, the middle part (confessions) could be a chain of numerous selfie videos (n). 

Next steps 

  1. Your comments on that idea. Obviously, everything stands and falls depending on the community!  
  2. If the idea was considered valuable we would need the following:
    a)... a precise guideline for the video content (length, content, format, deadline for upload)
    b)... some web space where to upload the personal confessions ('I am a steemer because...'), maybe we could use the steemit server itself (?). If not, we can use any other open cloud for it.
    c)... depending on the uploaded content: precise storyboard with related "characters". That means we would need to define which brand values we would like to communicate and who would be the ideal actors / statements to promote them. Example: if we want to focus on the target group "bloggers" we would pick out a statement from a steemer whose comment is related to blogging, writing, etc. If we want to bring out a value like "involvemente" we would pick out a quote related with community, people, socializing, etc.
    d)... some professional support for the video editing. The last time I cut a video was studying at the University. I could try, but supposedly would need much time. @steemfest published an inverview with Ned recently, maybe you guys could do at least the intro and outro?  
  3. Let´s spread the idea and get this thing growing!!! :-)  

I would be very happy to get your feedback and comments on the idea! 

Picture source title image: https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/8-production-hacks-for-2nd-ads-on-a-film-set/

Cheers & live your dream,
Marly - 

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