12 Evidence Proving That @ned CEO Of Steemit Never Plays Chess!

Believe me Ned Scott, CEO of steemit as ceo as he is, doesn't play chess! Here is untold proof:

1.  He has a steem score of 63. A chess board is synonymous with 64!(64 Black and white boxes)


2. You know; you need to hold some sort of beard especially those at the bottom of your chin when you are pondering on your next chess move. Hahaha, Ned is so clean shaved! He so doesn’t play chess!

3.You must have time on your hand, to pawn your way into enemy kingdom to corner its king. Ned is too busy at steemfest!


4. Well, almost can't kill a bird! ‘Ned’! Just missing an ‘r’! A Ne(r)d is likelier to play chess!

5. Instead of following black and white trails, left by emotionless pawns, Ned has chosen to follow humans instead. 

He made steemit to rendezvous us and he is modest enough to have followed 209 people!

Humans interest him better than hairless pawns! 

6. He so isn’t into lofty places like 'kingship with subordinates'. He is more of Ned than titles and he joins his empire, he hangs out with them. CEO yet a member. He joined steemit in March 2016!

True fact.

7. He certainly isn’t that much, a fan of ‘black and white’: He created steemit. He made it dark and light blue!

(variations of the same color). 

8.In the words of Ned:  

Original content > copied
Dialogue > monologue
Identity > pseudo anonymity > anonymity
Video > picture > text
English > non-English
Ideas > events > people
Postitive > negative
New info > info found elsewhere

Yep, he used hierarchy in explaining his vision for steemit. Yes, he believes in hierarchy for making steemit work but hey there, Identity > pseudo anonymity > anonymity is so different or looks nothing like:           


9. "His brained is wired for economics and psychology".  There was never chess involved. His brain is wired, can’t you see? 

His brain is so unwired for chess!

10. In the very words of Ned: 

“This 22ct gold ring imbued with steem and ornamented with the STEEM logo was created by @samether and handmade in the heart of the "city of gold", Dubai.
I am looking forward to wearing this alongside @roelandp who I hear will be wearing his Steeming Silver Ring at SteemFest in November!
Thanks @samether!”

Hmmm, such heavy ring; heavy matter; has weight and occupies his adorable finger!

Fingers are an important part of chess game. I mean even on your touchscreen, your steempad; you will need your fingers to mislead the bishop  into fighting an innocent horse. 

Now, who magnifies his index finger with a massive '22 kt gold steem ring', along with that probable fur coat and magnificent cane in hand, only to end up sweating those fingers transporting rooks? Who does something like that!

11.“After a quick 15 hour flight to Johannesburg, I seem to have arrived in a Steem haven” 

NED is a bit too in a hurry, to sit somewhere opposite an old bald man, trying to figure out how to move a king; a king, who is so dumbstruck at the sexiness of his wife but can only randomly stare at her because Mr bishop is there, trying to catch them red-handed.

I mean, who has time to pick up emotionless boring look-alike pawns in defineable paths, when steemit is on the brink of unestimateable shot for stars?

HAHA, even on horses, Ned would love that distance is covered snappily, in place of (L)ing haphazardly all over the place. 

*By (L)ing, I was referring to the knight’s L-shaped movement.

12. Plus, Ned is so organized, even his brain is wired! Steemfest is upcoming! His brainstorming is non-stopping and too strategic for a simple game of chess. Steemchess? Just MAYBE!

Overall, this guy is core CEO, not some 'king lording it over'. You need to see how Ned tends to people here steemit both conversation and comments. He caters to his social media.

He hasn’t said a word to me yet but i know he will!Overall.

I have had many ideas but I can’t say that I have really ever had an enabling environment. However, I am built on improvisation plus, I have become too lazy to quit! 

SO, if I can’t experience jetlags just yet, from jets, I’ll go play up and down in full speed, in a 25-storey building’s escalator, to get the feeling, till the real deal happens!

Recently, I starting a concept that aims to infuse new things into 'boring internet'. One way involve infusing into it a piece of me by means of the bizzarest unheardof topics. Plus, because I don’t have a dime but I have a truck load of time, I started donating time out as well.

In this post and the many more to come, I am incorporating these two concepts and i will be trying to ‘inspire the inspirer’, here on steemit.

So I will be out to inspire some amazing person here on steemit next and in a really really nice humorous beautiful way. I will at least manage to give you an inspired smile. I would love to!

I write these posts in tiny interval between my calls. I work in call centre all night and I tell you, there are non-stop calls. Please bear with me and my crappy editing!

Do show me some love, with your amazing comments and @ned do you play chess? No you don’t! Steemchess? Maybe! Hahaha!

@firepower your topic will come next and you can't guess it or what i will be proving

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