After Steem Wins The Twitter Poll To Get On BTCC, There Is Already Another Mission Waiting! " Went Down". We Have Another Ready-Made Audience For Steemit!

Upon trying to finding a home on the internet after crumbled, one social community i had come across was It was still in beta at the time, so i tried to write a long proposal post to the owners of imzy to see if i can become part of their beta program to provide them feedback and they allowed me to get on it!

There wasn't steemit at the time, so Imzy did appeal to me, the reason being that it was sub-community-based. So basically, you are allowed to create and administer 2 communities in niches of your choice and delegate roles to administrators of your choosing! This is something that still interests me till date. 

Another thing that was interesting at the time was their tipping model; something like Patreon or like what Popchest is trying to accomplish with video-sharing. 

One thing that didn't thrill me very much with though, among many other things was; "it was centralized". 

When i was on, i knew it would crumble! Some basic things weren't in place and currently, i doubt if there is any centralized social network that can compete with giants like Facebook etc. 

If they start to become competition, Facebook would simply buy them off.

Now after nearly two years of Imzy's inception, they are shutting down the site. Imzy had a great vision no doubt but according to their owners, "they were not able to find their place in the market"

Imzy will stop all operation on June 23rd of 2017!

According to Imzy, they are allowing more time for community leaders on their platform to exchange contacts with members of their communities and encouraging Imzy community leaders, who have found a new home on the internet for their community, to move their members on there. 

Infact, they have encouraged community leaders to pin the url for this new internet home on their pages, inorder to direct their community members to the new found home!

I wasn't able to grow my communities on imzy as i found steemit, i would definitely have relished preaching steemit to my community members! In my two imzy communities though, i only had a total of 12 users and this post will be pinned on both these pages!

What other home can they get better than! So please let's rally once again on there to bring them on steemit! They are quite many Imzy users and they so ready-made for steemit

The Imzy community will stay open in meantime will stay open for imzy users to post on. The imzy community was one of the largest communities on the platform with 69,045 members!

Ofcourse, to post here, you will need to have been signed up! I plan on publishing this post on there. There is also direct messaging and the owners are accessible, so i will be visiting also.

I managed to respond to the email i receive from Dan about their shutting down, with a very short reply here:

It will be more impactful though if we all get in the picture and this is possible. Many of us may not be on Imzy but many of us are on discord and Imzy users will be hanging out on discord forever. 

Even the owners of imzy are on this discord server:

Let's Go Join Their Discord server! will go dark on June 23rd of 2017! 

As we work hard on the twitter poll to get steem head of Ethereum classic and onto the BTCC exchange. We already have a new mission ready! Let's also take action!

Minutes ago, @tamim post here about steem leading Ethereum classic in the race to BTCC, which was exciting news but steem just got back in second place, so let's refortify on twitter in one more surge. There is evidence that we can win this thing already. So let's go win the twitter poll!

This is how the poll currently stand! Only a short time left and we are back in second place but only by a small margin, so let's go win this thing!

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