Freak Show Containing Valuable Crap For Steemians: "How To Build Your Empire Today On Steemit And Steem Technology!"

You Can Build Your Very Own Empire Today

This is no gaming! This real life! Yes, you can build your empire today but what does it take? Well, let's tap into old-school methods that have been tried and learn something!

Nimrod did a freak show once! Way back when; when there was 'nilch' infrastructure on Earth and no science books and perhaps, not much swag or clothes, Nimrod put his turban on and decided to rally people saying: "Let's go and build something that will reach the heavens" and without cranes or helmets, they started building and in no time, they were leaving the very surface of Mama Earth. 

Then Jehovah God saw them and decided to change their language and that was all it took to disrupt these extremely ambitious humans, who were in rally-state!

Overall, we are mere dust and the will never change!

As invincible as we think we may be, it really does take 'nilch' to shut us up! So let's even go there! However, let's learn something from the whole Nimrod experiment above! Yes, some ambition is good, else what is the essence of living, if our only aim daily, is to eat rice and hot-dogs non-stop. Too much ambition though, can lead to a wreckage same as too much of everything.

So assuming we have the right amount of ambition and drive and our dream or goal is set and established; what more is required to actually build an empire?


Key-phrase: "Let us". 

You need a rendezvous of valid heads! 

Yes, all the breakthrough-Intel that you have spent ages looking for, lay in anonymous heads as redundant information, you will have to find these heads and dig it.

Creating a core team is essential and it takes lots of effort. You basically, have to get into solid relationships with members of your potential team and get to know them fully. You certainly want your team to be compatible in every aspect, with your mission.


What do you see when ever you come across that round-table. Forget rice and hotdogs for once and gather your new found heads around the table to brainstorm strategies to bring your empire to life. A rendezvous spot is key! You basically want to combine all heads into one and this requires a good round table!


Yes, you need some play but strategic play! So play with your ideas in front of others, then record the smile or anger on their faces. Record violent reactions then go back to your round-table with your team and re-brainstorm Hardforks based on your statistics!

The crowd and potential investors like a running idea, thus, if you have sandbox, playground or blockchain as is the case in our time, place your innovation on a platter in public and let the masses react; then keep evolving!


In today's unequal world, money is scarce, so a loving crowd is so essential. So build your influence by your acts of kindness. Be noble and honest! Win a truly loving crowd and money becomes negligible! In general, to build an empire improvisation is key! 

So if you can experience jet-lag in a jet just yet, go ride in full speed, up and down in the escalator of a 25-storey building to get a feel of a jet-lag even now!

One Language

Create one language! Teach your crowd this new language and you all, start to speak the same language, then Go build the empire that you so cherish!

If i had 10,000 loving followers, i will rally them and we go push and displace Mount Everest by 20km at 20km/hr.


even baby Terry was out to surpass google!

One thing that Mark Zuckerberg and his crew had that you may not have is an enabling environment. Simply put, Bill Gates who made Microsoft, may not have made Microsoft if his upbringing happened in some under-developed country. 

There are many MACROHARD geniuses who are on the streets in the middle of nowhere, going up and down escalators in a never-ending loop, as pawn in another person's dreams! @surpassinggoogle

So to build your empire, you just may need an enabling environment. Maybe USA is a good start! 

In some cases, another essential on your path to building your empire, may be mentorship, else you may spend ages without direction and thus, unnecessary ages of delay.

The State Of The World Out There!

To build an empire in the real world of today can be dead hard for many! Many of the things you need are simply not in place, thus people quit entirely but for people who are to lazy to quit, an empire can happen but it is usually delayed: "Decades instead of Years". This must change and alas, it already is.............

Steemit Has Everything You Need To Build Your Empire!

Many see just when they get on steem technology! "A place to blog and earn rewards" but please open your eyes once more. Think of it this way:

A social community of reputable loving great minds, of one language, who are incessantly 'mining with their minds' on a super-fast, decentralized, bare steem blockchain that makes giving and receiving a breeze! What more do we need? 

 Steem offers you a sandbox to even test-run your innovation ideas; a playground to unleash excerpts of your dreams and receive unbiased reactions from great minds. Mentorship is also ever more attainable and even for free! Now tie these to many other underlying benefits and you everything you need to "make dreams equal reality"

Use your mind's eye!

People who started here on steemit as bloggers have gone ahead to build empires. The most recent being @zappl.

@vivacoin is filled with steemians! are also steemians and the list is endless!

Look at @papa-pepper @stellabelle etc and you can't say they aren't building something!

@thisisbenbrick has brought in amazing people to steemit and it is pretty hard to do so but this is what i would tell potential steemians that i try to invite to steemit! I do try to relegate the earning aspect of steemit because there are so many more beautiful aspects to steemit beyond the ability to earn, uncensorship and privacy!

Yes, steemit is not just about blogging. Blogging is just the familiar one. In reality, when you look closely, you will notice that you can build an entire company on steem; bring your dreams to reality on steemit; create a movement; give to people of charity; test run your ideas, patent your ideas etc

 You can also join steemit to stop your vices; to improve in your behavior; to maintain creativity; to meet amazing friends; to practice daily resolution; to find yourself; to teach people; improve learning; get on the pathway to crypto-trading. 

It is so so endless and there are a ton of opportunities too! You can end up talking to CEOs from nothing! You can be contacted for opportunities from nothing. I have not earned that much from blogging but i can't count the big unbelievable opportunities i have had since joining steemit and mostly by being present, the amazing partnerships etc 

I have even built "The Giving Factory"; which is name of my empire and which will constitute a set of companies aimed at helping as many lives as possible! 

Tears of joy is something i have not yet experienced thus, i want to give bucket-loads of that out and steemit is already making this possible. 

Before steemit, i have been trying to bring my ideas to fruition for a decade without success! I needed a team of like-minded people; mentorship; motivation & inspiration; and enabling environment and ofcourse capital and i don't have tangible capital yet, steemit has given me opportunities from nothing to make dreams equal to reality!

I implore every newbie steemian and every steemian joining as a result of this post, to read this, expand your vision of steem technology and steemit from the very onset and i tell you, this is all the speed you need to put you on the brink of steemit success!

And by success; "i don't mean money!"

Your Boy Terry with some boring crappy serious humor!


If you want more testimonies from me and a team of other steemians:


Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another!   

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful

If you are yet to join steemit, "there is awesomeness on steemit!" So check us out, join and leave me a comment!

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