How Do You Promote/Present Steemit To People/Students/Youths, Living In Developing Nations In General?

How do you present steemit to people living in developing nations in general? 

Well, it really depends on the developing nations you have in mind. Yes, you may say that 'shortage of money' is a common factor in these nations and perhaps, presenting "steemit" as "a place to earn money", would appeal to the masses in every developing nation but hey there; "you can as well be wrong!"

Again, different developing nations have different strokes! I tell you, some developing nations are so laid back, "money" won't move them from their seats. 

Some on the other hand, have had their hopes crushed a million times by the "boring internet" and the continuous internet promises, that they have had to deal with, before the advent of steemit, that presenting to them "another place to earn online", is not news and can even come off as bad, stale news.

Yes, there are nations,in which people have to go against so many odds, that to hope again is scary!

Another thing is, the expectations from the internet, of people in developing nations, is way different from the expectations of internet users in developed nations! 

Many, in developed nations turn to the internet for a level-playing field. They do feel the need for an enabling environment, then they come online, only told "to scram off for being from a particular location"

Steemit came around and changes that!

The above is certainly one way to present steemit to people in developing nations and there are a ton of other ways, apart from the ability to earn. 

No doubt, 'not everyone is on steemit to earn'. Some are here, simply to maintain privacy; to experience freedom; to create legacies; to test-run innovation ideas etc

Some internet users from developing nations, like me, came on here from day one, to keep my dreams alive in dream-bits and rehearse them till they hit fruition. 

Yes, i got on here to create testimonies that will teach and fix lives. I want to poke the globe from the outskirts, with positive, really happy vibes and steemit and steem technology made "dreams more equal to reality" in that regard. I spotted this from day one!

 Yes, i am from a developing nation; i don't have a dime; away from any family support; filled with depression and  24/7 physical pain but i got on here and i wasn't phased by the possibility to earn, instead, i saw spot on, a way to reshape the internet; fill it with more love and create a haven upon which generations yet unborn will perch and get a fixing. I found a way to infuse beautiful "me" into our very boring internet without restrictions related to locations or IPs

I was an entire tired being when i got on steemit and i still am but i saw big things, more visions and dreams when i got on steemit and bliss came along.

What I'm Saying?

It isn't exactly SBDs or steem that developing nations need, it is steem itself and the people in it, that they need!

So if i found someone in the Philippines on his daily Yossi and i also find out that he desires so badly, to de-yossify himself but doesn't know how to; i can bring "steemit" in the picture and say:

You know what, join us on steemit and let's have you stop smoking!

Or to a janitor, who feels bad about his job; i can remind him that it is the substance of the man that matters and he is just in a circumstance, Then i say: "let's add some vision to your game and give you an edge by bring you on steemit" and before you know it, he is no longer a regular janitor!

I did #steemgigs to teach this! To direct steemians from day one, into vision creation and dream-building! I want these new ones, especially steemians in developing nations to open their eyes, from day one! 

You aren't victims, so don't present yourselves a victims.  A developing nation, even if considered an odd, is simply a circumstance and not "YOU" and "YOU", even tired "YOU" can shine anywhere and "steemit" helps matters; SO SHINE!

If Bill Gates made Microsoft in a developed nation, i make MacroHard here!

For this post, i will tackle youths, especially those still in school.

How do you present steemit to these ones? 

Youths are still in a state of finding themselves. Many who found themselves in the limelight, like Justin Bieber, etc, were simply doing what regular youths do; "finding themselves", when the internet took notice of them. 

They were just doing what youths do, till fame and money struck at them and they played along. In special cases, though some youths may find themselves out, very early and may create an empire, from day one. Even then, amazing parents, will still want to keep these ones in school. 

Basically, in life, "there is pacing!" Perhaps, its best to say, "there is time for everything"; like the Bible says!

Even if you are the best genius in life, life itself, will teach you that there is time for everything!

In presenting steemit to school, i would go the same routes:

Join us on steemit:

  • To find yourself
  • To define and redefine yourself
  • To practice your education
  • To hone your art
  • To teach and learn as you teach
  • To meet like-minds
  • To draw inspiration, motivation, fire
  • To find new knowledge
  • To practice your assignments
  • To prepare for your exams
  • To do some extracurricular
  • To stay busy
  • To do some #steemgigs and win extra bucks for books and pencils
  • To become a better version of yourself
  • To know how to interact
  • To experience real life, ups and downs and learn how to maintain calm in the odds life poses
  • To "not let a day emptily slip" by, "without reading or writing".
  • To stand out among your peers
  • etc..

I will pause here!

Finally, i will tell them; "if you came around on steemit to enjoy the perks above, then i'mma spoil you with some SBDs from my own wallet and you have my word".

I believe in youths so much! I love to see them shine!

Let your vigor show. That's what time it is!

 I tell you, if you let your vigor show; grow and impress yourself; exert your brain positively; build vision and dreams; become the very best version of yourself, taking advantage too, of steemit reputation paradigm; a community of great minds as your mirrors; then steem and money will look for you, not the other way around! 

The other way around is "old school!"

Let's Ride!

Your Boy Terry


If you are a student, from any nation, please look at what @giantbear @steemiteducation & #gedwriting do and follow suite. 
There will time for "lorries of money" after that!

  Please join the comments to leave any suggestions for growth of steemit in the Philippines. Too, if you are considering budget steemit meetups and signups in your area, consider contacting me here: I am still @surpassinggoogle on there as well as on 


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