Minnows; Dolphins! "What Would You Do For Steemit, If You Became Whale For One Day?" Hint: "5 steem/120k steemians = 0.00004167 steem"!

"If you were whale for only one day, what will you do with it?" 

"How about rehearsing WhaleHood, even right now?"

I tell people. "It is not about saying you want millions!" "When millions hit you? Can you handle it or will faint away, even at the sight of it". 

Woman! How can you say "yes"; if someone gifts you, with a skyscraper; if you lose your self-worth, in the of 6 ft tall girl or if you can handle that 7ft tall boy before you; "oh won't like me as i am a 5 footer" or "oh, he is 7 ft; this can't be happening; he is too tall to be true! Did he just propose to tiny me?" 

This is what some cats see in the mirror! 

image source/credit to: imgur

I spoke in the mind of this old-looking bird:

So take that pen and rehearse that signature; hone it to perfection even now, as tomorrow, you will be signing autographs!

Are you a minnow, dolphin etc? Do you want to be whale?

I won't lie, i want to be! I envision how it could feel like. Hahaha, but deep inside me, i am already a whale and a big good one.

I have this tiny steemit blogs too but in my mind's eye, the vision for these tiny blockchain blogs is entire company

Let me tell you something!

It can happen, tomorrow. Whalehood can happen tomorrow! You saw the recent turn of events and the rise of steem, i am sure dolphins, have become whales. It is that easy!

A man once went to a car shop! He had no dime ofcourse, but he went there still. He going to ask the price of 'the car he held in his vision', (the bigger picture) and on that same day, he ended up driving that car home!

 Bottomline is, he consciously put himself in the premises of a car shop, though he had no dime. A random wealthy man came into that car shop in this period and saw this Bob, talking price with the car seller. Thinking Bob was about to buy this car, the wealthy man walked up to Bob and said this words:

"My wifey grew older today and she particularly loves this car that you are about to buy, so please choose any other car instead and i will pay for it, for i would like to make my wife happy today"

Here is how i put it:

Soon delegation of steem power to another steemit account of choice could become possible. I don't know totally, what this means but i see it mentioned in the impending HF17.

So if @ned, knocks on your door and says; "Hey there; i will be busy for the next 24 hours, so take all my steem power for the entirety of one day. Do all you can with it, for tomorrow, it will be mine again". 

What will you do?

This question above is very similar to the question @tamim posed once:

 What should I do help this platform?

So, let’s start here. Let’s answer his question and doing this, we will have answer the question:

What will i do, if i was whale for one day? 

Let me tell you of me, first things first; If I was whale for one day and I had @ned and @dan’s steem power for one day; it will be exciting! I will feel the moment, let my heart pump a bit, breathe, then set out to entering the steemit community big time, to teach it how to fish. Lol!

"Hahaha, I tell you; some would collapse and will wake up 3 days later as minnow!"

It is not that easy to be hit big, with a lorry of fortune! So are you rehearsing now? 

Are you already a whale-in-the-making in how you cater to your steemit affairs, even now? 

@htooms came out in similar manner as @tamim, wondering what they can do by means of their power for the sake of steemit! 

It mostly starts there; these tiny questions!

Overall, i am not using this post to highlight what i will do, if i were whale but mostly to highlight, what a whale-in-the-making minnow, like many of us, can do, even now! 

"Perhaps, be the best version of your minnow?"

Too, to instill in us, the need to rehearse whalehood. even now, so that when whale status indeed, hits us, we can handle the fame and its weight. Weight in terms of the heavy good news it brings and in terms, of how to tend to it, without losing one's self and turning into a real life whale! (Predator)

In the general, as a whale, i would mine! "Mining with minds" is a constant; regardless, of what you are mining and should be incessant! 

How does an even sleepy whale keep mining with her mind, here on steemit? 

Hahaha, even obliviously, you would be mining by tasting the steemit community, yourself!

You can't exactly know how fire feels like, except you actually get burnt. "Artificial fire?" Well, i don't know where you got that from but 'heat' must exist! 

@ned has shown a great example of this:

 Hahaha, I Wish I Knew @dan More. "Overall, It Is Apparent That I Knew More Of @ned". How Come?

@ned was implored recently too, to join the meme challenge and he joined and heartily too. The sound of his person was heard! Next he became judge on it and added steem to foot it. 

This is not nonsense. This tiny act is luxury on the internet of today!

People have different expectations from their use of the internet and so do steemians, from their use of steemit and steem technology and as whale, you have to know these things and down to every minnow. 

As a 'whale-in-making minnow', you have to know this things! 

Who wouldn't feel at home, if they entertain the feeling that they can reach out to their whales, and get possible response? Even if this doesn't necessarily have to be reality, "the illusion must always exist", in the minds of every steemian! 


If i was whale for one day, i would "Give Give Give"!

I would teach every steemian, how to catch fish. I won't always give them fish! Basically, i will be convert minnows, dolphins into whales and gain fulfillment from their fulfillment!

I would celebrate other steemians each day. "Commend their prowess!"

I would strengthen our core; our already existing group of amazing steemians!

Together we would mine other things! "Mine other things?". "Really, must it be only a token or steem?" 

On steemit, there is an endless variety of things to mine! Like i said, the only constant thing is the "mining with minds" aspect. 

How about mining other things like; services; brotherhood; how about mining other steemians' brains, by constructively sourcing out what is in it; how about mining yourself, you know, finding yourself out through steemit; how about mining favor; how about mining out cure for HIV; how about ways to effectively bring new steemians; how about mining the trust of fellow steemians; etc

From a non-crypto to you, steem technology makes everything above possible! 

You are already CEO and i defintely i'm CEO; I mean, at the very least, i can tell that jimmy in between my legs to sleep and it will lovingly listen. I can also tell Bingo the dog to sit and it will sit! Kidding! Steem technology has in reality made everyone CEO or at least, a CEO-in-the-making, depending on your vision and perhaps, mentality. I mean, you can tell me, that @papa-pepper isn't already CEO; i mean, he creates a service, he gives, he receives, he rewards effort, he delegate assignments, like his logo-making to other steemians etc. 


When you look at it closely, "everyone is a whale!" 

Too, prove this, we will use one example! Okay, let's celebrate the give and receive aspect of the amazing steem technology:

"If @ned can hit up, say 120k steemians each day, with 1 steem and beautiful message saying, "Hey brother, fellow whale and steemian; are you up yet? Remember, we have work to do, let's shoot steemit to the skies and create basic income in future for every human". 

Can i do the same as what @ned just did above, even now? 

You tell me!

5 steem/120k steemians = 0.00004167 steem

Can i afford 5 steem every day, even now? Utmostly resounding "YES"

In my own way thus, can't i whale of some sort, even now?

And who said we can't all have out own companies? See steemit and its technology, has made it possible. Just look at the bigger picture and do improvisation, then go ahead set up your company name; like i am about to do in a few days and you will be come CEO, like i already am, courtesy of steemit. 

Here is how i usually put it; "if i have not tasted jetlag for instance and the airplanes are refusing to come in sight just yet, then, i look for a 25 storey building and go play in its elevator up and down, at full speed!"

"If i can't sit in a skyscraper glass house, to see the tinier span of houses underneath me just yet, i go open the IC panel board at the back of my PC and look down open it". 

Improvisation and the right up-there mentality is key!

I will stop here! "Let's be good to one another even now and especially, courtesy of the beautiful technology, steemit offers and while you wait to be whale, know in your head, that you are already a whale!"

 If you see it this way, you will wake tomorrow and your steempower will be millions! 

This time though, you will be fully ready; because you have been whale all along or at least have rehearsed whalehood!

Your boy Terry.

I do have a side question; "How does one buy steem with a bank account, cash or credit card? I am in the Philippines!

If you are whale and you really need tips on how to be the best whale ever, leave me a comment with your question and i will tell you how to or sought the answer! 

I will so love you to leave you comment containing your perspective below, to answer this question:

"What Would You Do For Steemit, If You Became Whale For One Day?"

Please join me!

Let's form one strong beautiful empire of true fans of fans

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Kindly play my game here:

 "Here Is Your Pokeball!"- Locate "10 Pokemon Characters" Hidden In "10 Steemit Comments", All Around Steemit; For Steem Gifts

Your boy Terry.


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