'Steemit Hall Of Fame', 'Favorite Steemians Database" and 'Steemit Username Spelling Bees'!!!

 NB. If you are celebrity anywhere, you will to learn how to deal with some attention. People will need autographs, want to take pictures, write about you, give you a shout out etc.

Steemit posts created by me containing this many mentions, will happen only when it is really important and especially in this moment, where we still have room to know every steemian and before our community skyrockets into millions of steemians.

This is a database or library-like document for keeps, somewhere on our steem blockchain, to create legacy and celebrate every possible steemian and this document will be updated, once in a blue moon. 

The intention in this post is not to mention, so many steemit users but to timelyly join, in rebuilding our community, have fun and have a document for keeps on steemit forever, that we and countless number of steemians, can look at in the future and smile; "I was there, when the "steemit hall of fame" was created". 

Too, this post will exert us in our spelling abilities and help us see possible ways to improve the level of interaction on our blogs, increase our number of loyal followers, see if our username is user-friendly, and ultimately, have relaxed fun and many laughs.

At the very end of this post. We will be indicting 5 amazing steemians, into our now existing "steemit hall of fame"

Hopefully, when posts become edittable even till eternity, more people will be indicted into our "steemit hall of fame" and more steemians will work their way up the ladder to be noticed and indicted.

"Mining with minds" is genius. If you decide to take a pause, turn your mind's ignition off, for a short period and think that steemit will falter; "sleep well, someone out here on steemit is mining".

Many times, to come up with topics for a post and especially, if it is in a popular niche, I would usually do a google search for my topic and add steemit to it; to see if someone else has posted on exactly my topic yet; as there is a huge likelihood, that another steemian out here, is pondering what you are pondering. 

No doubt, steemit has great minds, who are dynamically mining . This is a dynamic incessant cycle!

@the future did his thing; something of genius and especially, very timely and at a time, when we need our "community of amazing steemians"' the most. 

Again, steemit is not that big and now is time to get to know everyone. I have thought of ways that this can happen and the @the-future had similar thoughts. 

The sparkling thing about his post is the engagement. It spells so much love, so much human. It was also ultimately fun. 

The mining continues and our bonding and engagement continues, so below, I will help matters, by creating a petty database of the results from @the-future's post, as it is very possible, that if you missed out on your notifications from his post but eventually got on his post, to read the comments and you forgot to use, your control F keyboard combo; you may have missed out on a bunch of amazing steemians, who have you at heart and acknowledge your work. If you heard your name, please rise up. 

We will use this created database, to indict 5 worthy steemians into the "steemit hall of fame" as you will see at the end of this post.

But before we go into that, let's do some fun game: 

The steemit username spelling bee:

NB: If you get on this post, you will definitely need to know how to spell your username and always remember your control F key combination!
I didn't hear my name mentioned throughout @the-future's post; both in the post and its comments, meaning I have to work harder. 

Usernames are key. "So make it easy to remember and easy to spell". 

How many times would I want to go read @fyrstikken blog and have to go to steemspeak.com to fetch his steemit username?

My username @surpassingggoole is pretty easy and even has a memorable story with it. 

It is much easier for @onceuponatime to leave a trail behind compared to @sykochica, another really, really amazing steemwoman, whose name I had difficulty learning!

@papa-pepper; "amazing username!". He carries the pepper logo about as well as well as little and mama pepper around, a really large trail; so easy to remember. However, some people may have problems with the hyphen and put an underscore instead. Same applies to @kus-knee but ofcourse, he is the old dog and that leaves a trail. 

@l0k1; gosh, how I tried and failed many times to spell this great man's username. I had to visit Amsterdam in my dreams to be apprenticed, under Netherlands' spelling bee champion, to become good at spelling and remembering l0k1. At first, I didn't know if the first letter on his username was the small letter 'l' or capital letter 'I'. He manages to his leave trail though, by that tiny thumbnail of his face but I tell you;" I am one steemian, who has wanted to visit your profile countless times only to fail spelling.

"Look at @berniesanders; who wouldn't remember that username at least. It makes you ponder wonder, till you find yourself on his profile, with the question; "is he the real Bernie sanders?"

"@abit tells you of a bot". You can already disregard this username as being bot and not expect to see comments on his profile till you get on it, only to find a touch of his or her human, everywhere! @abit is full flesh, heart and brain human!

@ballinconscious; just needs a "g" for the most part, but I tell you, many ballers can't even spell "conscious".

@exyle is still pretty tricky to remember, when it comes to its spelling even as easy as it looks. It helps, when you remember the word 'exile' but there is still some work to be done, to spell your way to his profile, else you will find yourself on exile: "steemit username doesn't exist"

Oh @dragosroua; "your profile is always in my memory". Without thinking twice, I know the thumbnail on your profile. It has some color red in it but just how do I get on there, when I can't easily spell dragosrua. You have managed to leave your mark though.

Haha, @j3dy, well well well. I just finally got a hold on your username. I had to pronounce it somehow to make the spelling stick. I hope I get it right, when next I am doing my search on Google to look for your blog.

@creatr; pretty to easy to remember this one, but you will need to know some math application, subtract the 'o'@krnel is similar, subtract the only 'e' from a popular word 'kernel'.

To remember how to spell @knozaki2015, I will have to always have to recall the popular camera; "Kodak", to guide my spelling; else I will fail woefully. 

@dwinblood has a bit of a scary sound to it but it helps. Spelling it is pretty easy.

@hilarski; "remember Hillary or hilarious".

@englishtchrivy: just remember English, then bite your tongue, in a chirpy bird sound and perhaps, you will remember the spelling. When you do remember the spelling in your head though, you can forget it, before you actually succeed in typing it. It is a memorable username though, so it's all good!

@nonamelefttouse; "all along, for a long time I had difficulty spelling your username, as for me at the time, it was "nonameleftthehouse"! I mean even my iPad remembers this spelling, "nonameleftthehouse"; till I check closely and said the words; "no name left to use"; in my head. Who wants to miss out on your awesome digital paintings, but on some days, some didn't find their way.

@hanshotfirst; "The right breakage of the world is what makes me forget the spelling, is it; "Hans hot first" or "Han shot first" , hahaha.

@runridefly: "again you need to break the words, get the context and memorize it. "Run ride then fly" not "runthefly".

Hahaha, for @buzzbeergeek, ofcourse you will remember the 3 words; "buzz, beer, geek" and perhaps, their order too; but I tell you, any time, you are thinking "buzz", you are spelling 'buzzer' instead. Tricky!

@countryinspired already leaves you with a story; a journey etc next time you see Blake Shelton, you will definitely visit @countryinspired blog again! Nice username!

Now tell me; What triggers do you use in remembering how to spell the usernames of your favorite steemian? Do you consciously go visit their blogs or do you mostly only visit, when your feeds present them?

What triggers will you use to remember these pretty complex usernames: @clayboyn @heretickitten @cosmictriage @freiheit50

@the-future read my mind and did a great initiative, that involved reawakening the steemit community to its importance, beauty and power and his post gathered a lot of comments and mentions.

 I figured you may miss out on a mention as the post, had many comments and ofcourse many mentions, thus, I did the control F(s) to generate a library of 'amazing celebrity steemians' and their loyal fans.

Too, we will be indicting the most remembered, favorited, celebrated steemians; identifiable in this case by their "steemit hall of fame weight" (SHFM), represented by a number!

I am arranging this almost alphabetically, so that you can just scroll down, to see if your name is here under your alphabet.

Too, remember to use control F and type out your username in the search box, so that you don't miss out on any direct interaction with you, from valuable steemians, throughout this post and it's probable comments.

If you don't find your name here, it isn't evidence, that you aren't also the best. It can mostly be so, for many reasons and some possible reasons can be related to the following; 

how easy it is for people or steemians to spell your username; how memorable your username is; how many memory-triggers it has,;what kind of story it spells and many other factors. 

I am your boy Terry and I am @surpassinggoogle, if your username is mentioned, please bear with the mention and consider it, a means to celebrate you.

This database is drawn from this @the-future post and its comments and all the comments where read and analysed: 

Steemit is great! People are awesome! What's your favorite user and why? Leave a comment and I will give you steem!


1. @abit currently has an "steemit hall of fame weight" of 1! Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust

2. @apolymask has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1! Acknowledged and celebrated by @soundlegion

3. @afrog has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @sumsum and @schmangerbert

4. @arthuradamson has an shfm weight of 2! Acknowledged and celebrated by @sumsum and @denmarkguy

5. @azfix has an shfm weight of 2! Acknowledged and celebrated by @playfulfoodie and @the-future

6. @anahilarski has an shfm of 1! Celebrated and acknowledged by @tradz for being an amazing individual

7. @ats-david has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @happyphoenix

8. @alexbeyman has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @heretickitten 

9. @ace108 has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @aksinya

10. @aksinya has an shfm weight of 3. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust @jsantana @the-future


1. @britvr has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1! Acknowledged and celebrated by @tradz

2. @budgetbucketlist has a steemit hall of fame weight of 3. Acknowledged and celebrated by @denmarkguy @tincho and @schamangerbert

3. @barrydutton has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @clayboyn and @steemitqa

4. @bitcoinmeister has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @shayne

5. @benjojo has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @surpassinggoogle


1. @creatr has an shfm weight of 3. Celebrated and acknowledged by @j3dy @surfermarly @the-future

2. @cristi has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @alexbeyman

3. @cervantes has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tincho

4. @craig-grant has a steemit hall of fame weight of 4! Acknowledged and celebrated by @soundlegion @the-future @tradz @ackza

5. @craig has an shfm weight of 1! Acknowledged and celebrated by @tradz.

6. @condra has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @jamtaylor

7. @cosmictriage has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @denmarkguy


1. @danilamarilu was celebrated by @tincho for a steemit hall of fame weight of 1.

2. @dwinblood has a whooping steemit hall of fame weight of 6. Acknowledged and celebrated by @alexbeyman @tincho @cassidyandfranks @aksinya @clayboyn and @denmarkguy

3. @doitvoluntarily has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @heretickitten

4. @donkeypong has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust

5. @dragosroua has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @j3dy and @trevor.george

6. @dumar022 has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @buzzbeergeek

7. @denmarkguy has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @cosmictriage


1. @englishtchrivy has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and remembered by @meesterboom and @kus-knee, who especially recognizes her as having given much to the steemit community!

2. @everlove has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @aksinya.

3. @etcmike has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @runridefly and @cassidyandfranks, both of whom, they relate in interests with @etcmike in many ways. Awesome, when you find your match on the Internet!

4. @exyle has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @the-future


1. @fisteganos has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @j3dy

2. @future24 has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @schmangerbert

3. @freiheit50 has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @schamangerbert.

4. @felixxx has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @sumsum

5. @framelalife has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tradz

6. @firepower has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust.

7. @fibra59 has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tincho


1. @gavvet has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @steemvest17, @the-future

2. @giftedgaia has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @soundlegion


1.@hanshotfirst has a steemit hall of fame weight of 3! Acknowledge as best steemian by @runridefly, @the-future and @uwelang

2. @hilarski has an shfm weight of 4. Acknowledged and celebrated by @uwelang @tradz @kus-knee and @denmarkguy

3. @heiditravels has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @clayboyn @the-future

4. @heretickitten has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @alexbeyman

5. @homeartpictures has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @schamangerbert and @the-future


1. @inber has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @speckofdust and @sumsum

2. @infovore has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by me @surpassinggoogle


1. @jedau has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @j3dy

2. @jaybird has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @soundlegion

3. @jang has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lifeworship

4. @jankasparec has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @sumsum

5. @jackmanmania has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tradz

6. @jamtaylor has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @the-future

7. @jsantana has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @aksinya

8.@jlufer has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tincho

9. @j3dy has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @the-future


1. @kus-knee has a steemit hall of fame weight of 7. Acknowledged and celebrated by @surpassinggoogle @the-future @uwelang @denmarkguy @j3dy @countryinspired @oncekuponatime

2. @krnel has shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @j3dy and @denmarkguy

3. @kingscrown has an shfm weight of 2! Acknowledged and celebrated by @buzzbeergeek and @tradz

4. @knozaki has an shfm weight of 1! Acknowledged and celebrated by @schmangerbert for being the leader of the German community.

5, @kevinwong has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust

6. @kenny-crane has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @the-future and @tradeqwik


1. @lordvader has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @papa-pepper

2. @lichtblick has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @schamangerbert

3. @luzcypher has an shfm weight of 2. Acknowledged and celebrated by @soundlegion and @aksinya

4. @luisucv34 has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @tincho

5. @lalithamonisha is new user yet is already getting acknowledgement. She now has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1 as she was favorited by @smurrah.

6. @lpfaust has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @aksinya

7. @liberisist has an shfm weight of 1. Acknowledged and celebrated by @lpfaust.

8.@lauralemons has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited and celebrated by @alexbeyman


1. @mynameisbrian currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Favorited by @stellabelle and @denmarkguy

2. @mars9 currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @sumsum

3. @markush currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @tradz


 1. @naiahyoung currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @tradz

2. @noelletwine current has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @alexbeyman

3. @ned still has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @tincho.


1. @onceuponatime currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @the-future

2. @ourlifestory currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @lovinglife


1.@papa-pepper currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 8. Favorited and celebrated by @the-future @surpassinggoogle @soundlegion @tradz @kus-knee @aksinya @rahul.stan @steemitqa. Woah! Some people consider him the king of steemit contests.

2. @pfunk currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited and celebrated by @lpfaust

3. @plotbot currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @alexbeyman

4. @pitterpatter currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @tincho


1. @rossenpavlov currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @soundlegion

2. @reddust currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @seablue and @the-future. Cheers to you and dem whiskeys!

3. @royaltiffany currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @demotruk. "But where are you? @demotruk misses you and hasn't seen you in ages."

4. @richman currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @buzzbeergeek


1. @son-of-satire currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @buzzbeergeek

2. @ssekulji currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @buzzbeergeek

3. @steevc currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @buzzbeergeek and @uwelang

4. @shaka currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @uwelang and @schamangerbert

5. @sykochica currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited and celebrated by @soundlegion and @surpassinggoogle

6. @surfermarly currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 3! (was announced 3 times by @j3dy, @denmarkguy and me @surpassinggoogle)

7. @sirlunchthehost currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @the-future and ofcourse by me, for his insured voice and steemit games.

8. @stellabelle now has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Favorited and celebrated by @j3dy @kenny-crane and I eventually joined steemit, after reading one of her posts.

9. @silviabeneforti currently has an shfm weight of 3. Favorited by @speckofdust, @fleur and @the-future

10. @someguy123 currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @heretickitten 

11. @smooth currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @lpfaust and @the-future

12. @stephenkendal now has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @cassidyandfranks and @denmarkguy

13. @soundlegion now has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @clayboyn

14. @sochul currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @mars9

15. @sumsum currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @uwelang

16. @stonedfood now has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @tradz

17. @sirwinchester currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @ackza @the-future 

18. @sharker currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @jamtaylor


1. @twinner currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of . Favorited by @schamangerbert and @uwelang

2. @the-future now has an shfm weight of 8. Favorited by @tradz, @kus-knee, @surfermarly, @aksinya @cassidyandfranks @ola2 @mynameisbrian @ats-david 

3. @tincho now has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @luisucv34 @the-future 

4. @tradz now has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @markush

5.@trevonjb now has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @tradz

6. @thecryptofiend now has an shfm weight of 5. Favorited by @jamtaylor @aksinya @ace108 @the-future @surpassinggoogle

7. @tfeldman currently has an shfm weight of 1. Favorited by @soundlegion

8. @timcliff currently has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @lpfaust @denmarkguy

9. @theregularguy has an shfm weight of 2. Favorited by @playfulfoodie


1. @uwelang now has a steemit hall of fame weight of 4. Favorited and celebrated by @schamangerbert @the-future @sumsum @buzzbeergeek@uwelang is practically the king of U


1. @verbal-d currently has a steemit hall of fame weight of 2. Favorited by @the-future and @soundlegion. He is considered a favorite steemit music artist.


1. @winstonewolfe officially became the king of W and now has a steemit hall of fame weight of 1. Favorited by @soundlegion and definitely me as I am a fan of @steemittalk and their podcasts.


1. @xeroc is definitely king X. Recognized as a good developer by the one and only @pal



Where is the community?

This database shows, that there at there is at least 119 steemians, who are actively interacting, mentoring, inspiring, creating on steemit, so much so, that they are revered for their activity. 

We also told of at least hundreds more, who are consciously paying attention and receiving.

Now for our "steemit hall of fame"'; for now, we will indict the first 5 users, with the highest SHFM weight and there are as follows:

1. @papa-pepper with an SHFM weight of 8

2. @the-future with an SHFM weight of 8

3. @kus-knee with an SHFM weight of 7

4. @dwinblood with an SHFM weight of 6

5. @uwelang and @craig-grant and both holding spot number 5, with an SHFM weight respectively of 4

If you are a non-steemian and want to join steemit and are blank, when it comes to ideas for usernames, letter Y and Z category, in our 'steemit hall of fame' is still empty. You just may get indicted!

If you are willing to create logos for our steemit hall of fame, this will be so valued. Do well to leave a comment.

Your boy Terry

Let's have smiles! Together!

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