Crypto Night in My Hometown Stavanger, Norway - Seven Steemit Members Gathered!

I wanted to gather the crypto enthusiasts in my hometown. So I did. And we had a very fun night in Stavanger, a small town on the west coast of Norway. @travelmarcus named the night Crypto Nite, which might just be the name of it if we do it again!


My friend, Bjarte, (sitting next to me in the picture, to my right) started a Facebook group for people who are interested in crypto currency. I suggested we'd do a meetup and I booked the coworking space that I use every day to host the event. I thought that maybe 5 ot 6 people would turn up, but 18 people came to the event!


My friends @svk, and @travelmarcus are Steemit members too. And @svk is the reason why I joined Steemit in the first place.
Four other Steemit members were there too, but unfortunately, I don't remember their Steemit username.

We did an introduction round, where everyone said their name and a little bit about their crypto story. The most interesting part of this was to hear how many different backgrounds and interest they all had. A lot of them were developers and IT people, but some guys had financial backgrounds and marketing jobs. Two of guys had started a cloud mining project, some were there just because they were interested to see what blockchain can be used for in the future and some came along to learn more about cryptocurrencies. Several group members are very active traders that do a lot of research and analysis - and then there's me, trading based on gut feeling and the urge to gamble! Cowboy style...
(Because I don't have enough knowledge.)


I heard a lot of interesting discussions around the table. Mining, currencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steemit, different exchanges and taxes were some of the topics we discussed. But the social aspect was the best part. I think people had a lot of fun, at least I did! Ha ha.

It was so nice to meet some of the people I've seen on the Facebook group. It seemed like people were enjoying the night and we ended up in the neighborhood pub, Martinique, later on.

I think we have to do this again sometime, maybe with one set topic for every night!
If you live in Stavanger, feel free to join us!


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