1KSP: Pathway to Freedom For Many On STEEM? Please Share Your Thoughts On This Idea

Anyone who regularly reads my blog here knows I am extremely bullish on STEEM. After looking at what is going on with this blockchain, I believe that we are going to see a massive explosion in the price of STEEM over the next few years. At present, we are seeing a number of apps already in use (albeit with some kinks to iron out) that have the potential to completely upend the social media realm.

The other day I wrote a post about why I believe we will see $100 STEEM. For those who missed it, you can follow the link:


Without reviewing the entire article, the main point I made is that the social media arena is enormous with an account base of 3 Billion on the major sites. At the same time, I foresee the Smart Media Token similar to the ERC20 on the etherium blockchain. Focusing upon the content creation/publishing world, this protocol gives providers the ability to create their own token on the steem blockchain while utilizing the curation/reward system. To me, this is going to be a difference maker.

As I ponder the economic fate of many in the world, I can to the realization that $100K would make a major difference in the lives of 98% of the people out there. Even in the United States, there are few who have anywhere near that net worth. Instead, they have student loans, car payments, little to no equity in their homes, and credit card debt. Wages are flat and, I believe, an impending technological thrust in unemployment is going to further magnify the problems.

Hence, I believe if we can get people to the $100K mark in STEEM, this will radically change their lives. Using some advanced math tactics which required me to take off my shoes, I concluded that if STEEM hits $100 a token, we are looking at everyone who has a minimum of 1000 (1K) SP as reaching that $100K threshold. Certainly this is not an outrageous number to hit.

After pondering the debates going on about the whales using steemit as their own piggy bank and "ruining" the system leading to a rich get richer situation, I decided to question everyone if they are using their allotted daily voting power. This led me to post this yesterday which questioned what people are doing:


In essence, my conclusion is that before we start attacking others, we need to ensure that our own voting power is being used every day to ensure we share in the part of the reward system we are entitled to (or those we vote for). Since most are not utilizing this, I think we are missing a tremendous opportunity to help others who are just coming on board.

So what is my solution? After some thought, and trust me when I tell you that all this thinking is hurting my head, I came up with the idea of the 1KSP (1000 SP) Program. This approach basically centers around the idea that even though we do not have the voting power of the whales as individuals, collectively we can outpace them. We simply need to band together and concentrate our votes.

Here is how this works.

To start, all posts by people with less than 1000 SP in their accounts can be tagged a1ksp. Each of us commits to going into that category each day and upvoting the content there. This can be done at whatever level of Voting Power on the slider someone wants to use. This will help get some people noticed.


Those of us with over 1000 SP commit to taking one or two people with less then that threshold under our wings and upvote their content at 100%. This is akin to the big brother/big sister program. The sub 1000 SP individual commits to posting at least 1-2 articles a day for which the other person will upvote at 100%. Obviously it is a good idea to find someone who puts up content you enjoy. This relationship continues until that individual reaches 1000 SP at which time he/she can adopt someone else which also frees up the first person to repeat the process with another.

Each of us has basically 10 votes at 100%. I do not find it unreasonable for each of us to commit to using 2-4 of those votes on someone who has very little SP. My view is the more people we get to 1000 SP, the more lives that will be radically changed in the next couple years.

The wonderful aspect of the steem system is that everything, in terms of power, builds upon itself. As we help others to fill their wallet with SP, those individuals have more power in their votes. Also, because of the curation system, our votes will also bring back more rewards since the split takes place on anyone placed after 10 minutes.

I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Is this something you would like to be a part of and a way of bringing more success to the entire steem blockchain? We need to bear in mind the network effect of this technology and how much more valuable the entire ecosystem is when more people are involved (and succeeding). And, while it might seem like your vote isnt worth much, consider what it means to a newer person to have 6 or 7 people upvote at 3-4 cents apiece. A quarter is a lot of money to someone new, especially if they are from a third world nation.

Drop your thoughts in the comment section below. Let me know what you think about this and if you are willing to partake in it. Certainly, those of us from 1,000-20,000 SP can make a radical difference on this site if we all team up.

Please give this an upvote and a resteem.

Pictures from google images

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