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Seemit :- how to make money from commenting

How to make money with commenting?


If the author or other readers upvote your comment you get rewarded in Steem Dollars and Steem Power. Steem Dollars can be transferred immediately while Steem Power can be withdrawn in 104 weekly instalments.

The success also depends on the way you comment on a post. If you just leave a Thank you or that was a great post note this will hardly get you an upvote. Your comment needs to be relevant to the post and add a new perspective or an important information.

Additonally you can make Steem Power through upvoting a post. Please see my previous guide on upvoting. Currently I make more Steem Power from voting than from writing.

For the majority of Newbies the first months on Steemit can be frustrating. A lot of effort is put into writing but the rewards are little or none. I am in the same situation.

Do not give up. There are other opportunities that will need less effort and over longer period of time build the basis for your future success as author on Steemit.
In my case I currently make more money with commenting than with writing.
In this quick help guide I will first show the ones who never have commented on a post on how to do it. In the next step I will explain you how to make money with commenting.
At the bottom of each post you can leave your comment by clicking on Reply.

How comment are payout

Rewarding Parent Posts
Good discussion requires back and forth posting. When you reply to someone else, they get
50% of any payout you receive in that thread. This rule applies up to 6 levels deep. Starting a
big discussion greatly rewards the parent poster.
Failure to properly nest your posts in the discussion is a good way to get down voted.
This incentive structure motivates people to contribute in a way that motivates others to get
involved. It encourages people to ask good questions so that others can provide valuable

When a post receives a payout it takes the form of 50% SMD and 50% SP. The Steem Power
give the user increased voting and transaction power while the SMD gives the user an
immediate benefit in a stable currency. As we’ve already discussed at length, both SP and
SMD are designed to encourage long-term holding rather than short-term selling.

I understand that the original poster receives 75% of the total and curators 25% of the toal.
The problem comes when the following questions arise

1.) What if my comment makes money? Does the original poster get 50% of my comment money? (original poster being the post creator and not the first commentor)
2.) What happens when I forget to upvote my own comments and they still get upvoted by others?
3.)Are there curation rewards for others?
4.)If person A posts a comment that shows $100, person B replies with a comment that receives $50 and person A replies to that comment and it receives $20 how does the payout system work
5.)Person A makes comment receives $100 and Person B and C respond and both receive $20. Person A gets 50% of person B and C's comments? So person A gets $100 and $10 each from B and C? Do B and C receive half the posted dollar value or the whole number (being $20 each)

6.)Person A posts first and receives $100. Person B replies and receives $50. Person A then responds and gets $25 dollars. Is it advantageous to upvote the comment nested in person B's?
7.)When should you upvote your own comment?

These are a few of the questions I would love to have answered (also to have a much longer view of previous comment and replies instead of the 25 or so most recent. That can kill a conversation when people don't realize that they have a reply to a comment they made a while ago).

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