Build Your Steemit Power Through Meet-Ups

Build Your Steemit Power Through Meet-Ups

The Steemit community continues to grow worldwide. I am seeing a surge of people getting involved. Yes, the chance to earn money rather than make other platforms rich from sharing our data with advertisers is good. Hey, we all have to pay the bills.

However, I’m seeing more and more the real power of Steemit is with the growing community of people helping others with ideas, pictures that entertain and/or answer questions, and giving practical advice in a variety of matters.

Recently I had the chance to attend a Steemit Meet-Up in Athens, Greece. It was fabulous to meet so many super intelligent, and very helpful people. I was very impressed with the people, how smart they were about Steemit, and many other important areas in life. More than anything, it was refreshing and delightful to encounter people who genuinely cared and proved it by their assistance.

Here are some take-aways that I got which can help you:

1. Treat Steemit as serious business. It is a social media platform and I find those who do best in Steemit know the fundamentals of what to do

and what NOT to do

2. Honor the protocols of the platform. I wrote about his in our McGraw-Hill published book I co-authored with Gina Carr (@ginacarr on Steemit). As you should not overtly try to sell on LinkedIn (bad form), don’t do it on Steemit. Provide serious value first. As people get to know that you have a lot of sound ideas and can help them, they’ll be more open to working with you. Be a friend and helper first. Then business will naturally flow to you from your article on Steemit.

3. The community matters as much or more than your content. I’ve been using Steemit since August 2016 and attended Steemfest in Amsterdam last November. It takes time to build relationships and, just like in any business, that is most important.

4. Commit to the TME necessary. You don’t do well on Steemit by just posting cute text. It has been tried many times. It doesn’t work. Those who are most successful put in the Time, Money, and Energy (TME) to have good copy, good pictures, good video, good GIFs, and more. Plan on spending 1-2 hours/day to make it work, at least at the beginning. Treat this as your job and then spending a few hours seems more reasonable. Yes, you have to pay the price for success in Steemit as elsewhere.

5. Enjoy the ride. Yes, it is business but you must make it fun. Consider planning a Steemit Meet-up in your area. Hey, consider putting together a Meet-up in a city you will be visiting and see if there is interest. Have fun doing it and you’re much more likely to succeed.

Bonus #6 - Consider being at Steemfest 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. I’m thinking about it now would welcome discussion from others who are considering it also. I’d be open to some live video broadcasts (I do these a lot in my work) to talk about it and get to know others. Hey, we can have our own video-based Meet-Ups in addition to the physical gatherings. The opportunities are enormous. If you’re interested in being part of this, please leave me a comment below.

Steemit is revolutionary in its approach. To succeed you must know what to do and what not to do. If you do this you’ll succeed very nicely. Consider a Meet-Up as a great way to introduce yourself to other Steemians and many can benefit.

What do you think? Please leave a comment and upvote this so we will know if it is of interest to the Steemit community. I hope this article helps you.

Now enjoy these pictures of some great people who attended the Steemit Meet-up in Athens, Greece.

All the best!


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