Would You Go Back To a World Without Steemit?

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If you’ve spent any amount of time on the main page of steemit, then you’ll probably be familiar with the variety of subjects that usually makes it to the top, self-help, life, politics, travel…Etc.

Let’s take travel for example, imagine that you are a new blogger embarking on the journey of your dreams. You want to share your story and at the same time you want to be able to make your passion profitable so it doesn’t file for divorce.

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What do you do? You write your stories and then you send them to all sort of travel magazines and then wait four to six weeks for some editor to either accept or reject your story, so that finally you can receive those damn $150-$200 per post.

Do you see what people dealt with in the pre-steem era?

Don’t get me wrong, that’s by all means an honest living, and hard one indeed, the writers have a lot of competition as well, even more competition if they wanted to go freelance and start their own blog.

Talking about that, launching and maintaining a successful travel blog. What do you think the success rate is in those cases?

So if someday you find yourself worried that steemit is getting too crowded, just step back and compare with the rest of available options and maybe you’ll realize that steemit is by far the best platform there is.

And I mean that in every sense of the word.

There is a window right now where you have the right combination of profitable, easy to do, flexible and more importantly we are at the beginning of this beautiful trend.

This isn’t throwing the icing on the cake, this throwing the cherry on top of the icing.

But why is that important? Well, for the same reasons that it’s important to get early on all new trends: Opportunity.

What I would give to have known about steemit a few months ago! Some of you know the Alien based show that I’m creating. I chose back then to go the traditional way, I had to find a crew, a director..etc. I don’t want to bore you with the story, but bottom line, filming won’t be even considered for months. I didn’t know about steemit, I didn’t know about Amazon’s new market place (DVD-on-demand)…

Now I have to dance with the ugly devil, bureaucracy, and whatnot. So please, learn from my mistake.

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Here at least, we don’t have to wait insane amounts of time. And by the way, this is not exclusive to motion picture.

Say for example that you want to write a book, unless you are intentionally searching for lower royalties, and wanting to surrender control over your content while having a Zen-like level of patience, then you have no good reason to go with traditional publishing houses, unless of course you are a big name bound by a big contract.

I’m not saying that the mainstream game is rigged, I’m saying that the game is played on another board altogether.

The times are changing and you have to change with them, otherwise one day you’ll just find yourself perfectly equipped to compete in a world that no longer exists. If there is anything that you should always be quick with, that’s marketing in the year that you live in.

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To this day, it’s astounding to see how many people keep saying that this Blockchain thing and these peer-to-peer technologies, it’s just a phase that people will soon get bored of.

To which I sometimes I answer with this:

Look around, the largest real estate company has no buildings, the biggest transportation company has no cars, the largest retailer in the world has no stores… Not only Elvis has left the building, but his impersonators died of old age.

Embracing Change

“My career is one of the last ones that bridges that time period between when publishers were gatekeepers and where they aren’t.

Five years before, if I had tried to write myself between 1995 it would all have been rejected and there would’ve been nothing I would’ve done, I would’ve just been an unpublished author.

Which is why prior to the internet everyone said ‘oh, all the best people never get published’ and to some extent they were probably right” – Tucker Max.

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Nowadays, anyone can publish their own books, novels and poems without any gatekeepers deciding on who or what should be allowed to get published. With the end of centralization of publishing in sight, it was only a matter of time until the trend attracts more and more new adopters.

Some of those early adopters have already started publishing their novels here, my friend @piedpiper has already released the first script of his upcoming movie that is to be filmed in the Fort Galt Studios. @kaylinart is trying to grow her art business here, @stellabelle also has published chapters of her book on steemit… So did many others.

And I suspect that it will be only a matter of time than until we see a great steem market place.

Even yours truly is considering the idea of launching a short selection of comedy videos here on our beloved platform. If successful, it would drive a new audience here. Though I’m sure I’m not the only one with that mindset, and that many of you are just about to do the same.

This is going to be fun!

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P.S: Thank you @fyrstikken for creating such an awesome picture!

Closing thoughts

When I was hacked, I learned to not take steemit for granted, I’m not only sticking around but I’m coming stronger than ever. Plus Steem gave me and I’ll find a way give back.

Meanwhile, this is the conclusion I want to leave you with today:

Making money of your passion has never been easier.

Maybe you shouldn't give up on your steem dream just yet, after all, isn't it the best we've got?

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