Nervous break down and my take on the experiment

A few days ago I experienced something I can only explain to be a small nervous break down.

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Daniel and I were in bed playing games and chatting when all of a sudden I burst into tears. I couldn't control my emotions and couldn't give an answer to my very concerned fiance about what was going on. This carried on for a while and I even started laughing through my tears. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped.

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As most of you know I'm about to get married in a few months, there is still a lot to be done and I keep having nightmares about the day going horribly wrong. What is new however, is that Daniel and I also need to move only a month before the wedding.

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Then additional stress occurred. Steemit is my only source of income, many changes have occurred on the platform but the one that had the biggest impact on me was that the value of steem keeps falling. My account is worth half of what it was a month ago and the payout I'm receiving is not enough to contribute anything to my household. Still I press on and write almost every day. I don't complain but instead I find myself praying that the site doesn't go down and take my investment with it. I also found that yesterday I had been down voted multiple times for the experiment the whales are doing.

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This experiment seems to be making a lot of people unhappy, so unhappy that people are going on strike. Although I share in their unhappiness, I think that I might give the experiment some time to play out. Hopefully things get better.

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