Why Steemit Dolphins Will Become More Important Than Whales

So I've been noticing something over the past few days.

There are substantially more dolphins on Steemit every single day. Over the last couple of days my posts are being built up with transactions of over $.10, this is great news for all of us. Even a week and a half ago when I first started on Steemit the up votes I was getting that gave me good cash were mainly made of Whales and Minnows. Of course all the serious $$$ comes from the Whales, but it's imperative that Dolphins become the majority in my eyes, they are Steemit's middle class.

Steemit's middle class is growing!

Everyone knows that the middle class is the true backbone of a strong economy. While it slowly disappears in most English speaking Western countries as well as many other places in the world it grows significantly on Steemit. Soon enough the influx of new users will level out and we're going to see the middle class/Dolphins of Steemit gradually become an essential majority (I hope). Of course it would be great if we could all be Whales, with each of us up voting nearly every decent post we see just so everyone gets a huge piece of the pie. Truth be told, I am yet fully understand the economics of Steemit but if the majority of us were Whales I believe it would be unsustainable.

The influx of Dolphins shows how hard people are working.

It's not easy to become a Dolphin let alone a Whale, it takes a lot of Steem Power to get to that illusive point. It's comforting for me to see that every 5th or 6th up vote I get on a post is from a Dolphin. It shows me that if I keep working on my blog, writing and continue to post good content I'll be a part of that club and it'll give me the power to influence others posts more greatly.

Why are Dolphins so important?

Because we can't rely on Steemit Whales to give our posts value, as it stands I'm not sure if there are even more than 100 Whales right now. With several posts (if not more) being published every minute we honestly can't expect Whales like @dantheman and @berniesanders to keep up with all the good content, let alone up vote every single one of them. That's why I believe it's super important for us to keep building our pod of Dolphins, one day soon a post will be able to get into the hundreds of dollars just from up votes given to us from our finned friends.

As more users come, more up votes become available. Just imagine in the future when a great article can garner 1000 up votes easily. Lets just say that only 1 Whale up votes this, as well as 800 Dolphins and 199 Minnows. For the sake of the argument I will give them each a value:

Whales = $100
Dolphins = $1
Minnows = $.1

1 x $100 = $100
800 x $1 = $800
199 x $.01 = $1.99

$100 + $800 + $1.99

= $901.99

Now, that's not quite $35,000 for a make up tutorial but hey, if I could make $901.99 off of one post a week I'll be a very happy man. I believe everyone currently involved with Steemit that keeps putting in maximum effort will be a Whale or a Dolphin by the end of year and I can't wait for that!



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