Reputation - How to steadily grow yours

When it comes to steemit the reputation of the author because a factor as those with higher reputation attract a larger following to their content which eventually receive a larger number of vote and thus higher payout. With that in mind it becomes imperative that you actively endeavor to boost your reputation as this it is an indication to others that your content is worth voting for.

How to you go about steady boosting this all important reputation with the limited resources available to you and avoiding the pitfalls that may come your way? Here are five of some of the key considerations to keep in mind in you quest for that higher reputation.


  1. Produce quality posts. There simply is no substitute for quality and eventually your work will stand out amidst an assortment of various substandard posts. With an initial lower reputation you may not have the ability to attract the larger audience you may seek to your blog but believe me there is someone out there who will eventfully see your work for what it it’s and give it it’s just reward.
  2. Less is more. Some bloggers produce a large volume of content as long as they don’t run foul of the bandwidth allocated to them but is this really the better strategy? I for one am of the opinion that a better researched and written post greatly outweigh many a hurried and badly composed one. Though you can produces and post more blogs daily it doesn’t mean you should.
  3. Time when to release your post. During peak time the number of new post are many and from authors of varying reputations and your post will be competing to be seen by an audience who may not give it the time it deserves. Given that there is a shelf life for your content timing could come into play when releasing a new post and after learning from the feedback you get from you initial posted content you will know best when you are likely to get to your target audience.
  4. Engage with your audience. Reply to comments or remarks left on you blog both positive and those that may be critical to your work and ensure that your remarks are reflective of the amount of time their author took to make them in their relevance. Avoid making repeated standard replies which may be harmful to your reputation.
  5. Use you vote wisely and make it count. Take the time to comment on the posts you have voted for weather from a lower or higher reputation account than yours as this is one way of growing your following and they may come to view your post when you put out one especially if you left a meaningful comment after you voted their content.

In summary try to be as consistent in everything you do whether it be producing content ,voting on other peoples posts and commenting on both curated content and your own feedback from others, let your actions standout for others to see.

Whereas you may not immediately reap financial reward while on the road to a higher reputation, eventually doing so while maintaining the above key elements will eventually result in your account attracting the rewards it deserves.

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