SteemIt Success Tip Of The Day #2 - SteemIt Chat Is Your Friend (Simple + Effective Posting Strategy)

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Benefits Of Using Steem Chat Regularly

SteemIt Chat is one of your best friends for BOTH getting your posts seen by other Steemians, AND for discovering interesting new people and content. As we all know, there is simply SO MUCH content out there on SteemIt that we quickly find ourselves in a frazzled state, trying to figure out where to find the best content, and how much of it to consume.

The nice thing about SteemIt chat is that it provides access to a steady stream of content, and content creators, in one place, and allows you to share YOUR content in a way which is natural, and mutually beneficial to yourself and the community. You will be introduced to some interesting new people from all over the world who are producing quality content. You will also see some of the same people posting their quality content regularly, and be able to connect and develop longer-term relationships with them directly, in real time.

Two-Stage SteemIt Chat Posting-Curation Strategy

Through experimentation, I have developed an easy two-stage SteemIt Chat posting strategy which fulfills the two main needs of :

  1. marketing my own content

  2. Discovering new content and content creators, and processing/curating it

Stage One

The strategy is simple, and is broken down into two stages. In the first stage, after making an original post, I log in to SteemIt Chat and do an initial "post bomb". This is where I put on some good music and simply post my new post in all of the RELEVANT SteemIt chat rooms which I have joined in my first month since joining SteemIt. There are enough "general-topic" chat rooms available so that I don't have to break etiquette and post in rooms not related to my content. Please fight the urge to do this, even thought OTHERS are doing it. I know, it's difficult.

For the posting, I use the following simple code format in order to add the post's main image to the chat posts, which I believe is more effective than posting the post url alone :


The above code includes the url of the post, plus the url of the image (which you get by right-clicking on the image in the post and selecting "copy image address"). Chat posts with images just look more engaging, and I believe are more likely to be clicked on. I know that I, personally. am more likely to click on posts with engaging images.

Stage Two

Once I have completed the "post bomb" for this post I then transition into phase two. This is where things start to get juicy. There are a few major reasons why the second stage is effective. Since many of the chat rooms have a rapid, and steady, stream of new posts coming in, you need a way to re-post your content at a healthy pace, but in a way which is not "pushy". In addition, since people on SteemIt are located all over the world, you need a way to get your post in front of people in different time zones. In this stage you simply re-post your content in each chat room at a leisurely pace, over several hours, while you simultaneously browse through some of the other posts in each chat room, read one or two of those posts, and upvote/comment/follow one (or even two) posts in each chat room which you find interesting. I find that using the goal of "one upvote and comment per chat room" provides a good metric for pacing myself before moving on to the next room.

In this way, you are able to benefit from posting your OWN post, finding good posts (and content creators) of OTHER people, reward those posters for their good content with upvotes/comments/followers, and generate some new upvotes/comments/followers for your posts. This strategy is perfect for integrating your overall content production and curation tasks, as well as discovering new content and people to follow. It makes the process enjoyable and not overwhelming. If I find longer posts which need some more time to process, I read the first few paragraphs, upvote and comment, and then simply copy the url to my running notepad document so that I can continue reading the rest if or when I have the time.

This strategy is easy to implement. and effective. You WILL get some JUICY upvotes and follows, and make some quality connections, as a result of implementing this strategy on a regular basis. Feel free to share your experience using this strategy, and/or any variations you have on it in the comments.

Full steam ahead!


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