PROOF that "follow for follow" does not work on Steemit


There is a rash of "follow for follow" users here on Steemit and they are (unintentionally) degrading the quality of this site.

If this is you, please listen up, because the truth is you're wasting YOUR time more than anyone else's.

First, take a look at some of these profiles just to get an idea what I'm talking about and to see for your own eyes that follow for follow does NOT work.

(P.S. If you're on this list, or if you practice follow for follow, please unfollow me!)


I could add thousands more profiles, but you get the idea.

You can see that while all of these people have at least several hundred followers, none of these people have any traction or are making any money.


Meanwhile, the list of people they follow is in the thousands, showing they aren't interested in any of the content on the site, and are only here to try and make money.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the evidence clearly shows that this strategy does not work, so if you employ a "follow for follow" tactic, it's time to look for another one.

The truth you need to understand is that here on Steemit, you only make money if people who have invested in Steem want to upvote your content, and people who have invested in Steem are not going to upvote your content, or support you in any way, if you aren't adding anything of value to the site.

Why would they want to destroy their investment by upvoting things they aren't interested in?

The good news is you have inherent value just because you are human, and so when you share your life and your experiences, you connect with others and that has value. We all want to feel connected.


The Power of Relevancy

In the information age, relevancy is your most powerful tool and ally.

Just think of Google. Why are they so big? Why does everyone use them?

They use them because when they type a search query into Google they get back highly relevant content.

If relevancy is the key to success then lack of relevancy is the key to failure.

Be HONEST with yourself, how much relevancy is there with a "follow for follow" approach?

Zero is the correct answer.

And if a lack of relevancy is the key to failure, then certainly zero relevancy is going to get you absolutely nothing from this site.

You are truly wasting everyone's time and most of all you are wasting your OWN time when you use a follow for follow approach.


Dance like no one is watching

I'm sure you've heard the expression "dance like no one is watching".

Well, the key to success on Steemit is to use the social network like no one is paying.

If there were absolutely no way to make money on Steemit, but you decided to use it anyway, how would you use the site?

You would only create content you liked or that real had meaning to you.

You would only follow people that posted content you liked or that had real meaning to you.

You would only comment on posts that you actually cared to comment on.

and so on...

In other words, you're entire participation in this site would be focused on relevancy.

Every thing you would do, you would do because the action meant something to you.

Acting with intent and relevancy, THAT is the key to success here on Steemit.

It takes longer, but not only is it worth it, it is the ONLY thing that is going to work.


Do the right thing

You have the proof, you have the logic, I hope you'll take the actions you need to take to do this right.

If you are a "follow for follow" Steemit user please go to your profile right now and unfollow every single person in your list.

If you want to follow back those that followed you, go ahead, but why bother?

They didn't follow you because they cared about your content, or liked what you have to say, so they aren't relevant to your experience here.


Next, use the site like a real person and be patient.

You have the opportunity to (eventually) make some real revenue with this site and all you have to do is use it like you mean it.

I want you to succeed here on Steemit. Your success is truly my success, so I hope you will take this advice.

Not only will it improve your success on Steemit, but it can also improve the quality of your entire life.

Good luck, and stay relevant! :)

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