RED DOLL: Science.

Chapter Four of Red Doll
Third Chapter: @tsudohnimh/red-doll-a-murderer


“...Yes, there is pain. Intense pain. But I’ve come to realise it isn't real; it's the idea of pain, the illusion of it, the final gasp of my old body. I simply ignore it, and it goes away.”
-Major Alexander White, the first man to receive full body cybernetics, 1972​


The room was well lit for a place of such nefarious purpose and secret dealings. Its bright florescences, white tiled walls and stainless steel benches gave it the air of a laboratory. Which was entirely suitable, since that's what it was.

On a normal day, it would be filled with hundreds of lab-coated scientists and assistants, peering through microscopes and electron scanners, trying to build the next big thing, the future. But today, and many days proceeding, it was empty. Save one man, and a large bank of TV screens.

The man himself was misleading. Mid thirties in appearance, with long, combed back black hair streaked with grey, he looked more like some sleek businessman than the leading scientist in his field. Which is how he preferred it; he did not want to be acknowledged for his works; acknowledgement brought scrutiny.

And today, like the days that proceeded it, his work appreciated the lack of scrutiny. He had been given an unlimited budget; access to some of the worlds most advanced facilities; a crack strike team on call. And for the moment, all of it was useless. He had no need for it.

All he needed were the screens. So he could watch IT.

IT. He really didn't know how else to describe IT. IT was an IT, a THING. They could not call it a man, because they really couldn't call it human. They couldn't call it creature, because such a name implied simplicity, not the amazing complexity IT showed. They could not call it a machine, because that would be inaccurate. IT was more than a machine. IT was more than a creature. IT was more than man.

IT was its own THING.

“So, hows our boy?”

The Scientist turned, having expected this voice. Its owner, the Man who stood before him, was yet another lie in this deceptive place.

“IT's sleeping.”

Short. Pudgy. Balding. In his early fifties, the man appeared soft, weak even. But his eyes, they burned with a level of drive an intelligence unmatched. The Man was probably the most powerful man in Australia, if not the world. His word controlled the destinies of millions; on a whim he could collapse nations. He had the potential to change the course of human evolution itself.

“I imagine HE would be. HE had a very busy night last night.”

For anyone else, meeting such a man, to be in the presence of such power, would inspire awe, even fear. But the Scientist did not fear him; for the Man regarded him as an equal. He was an ally in his great endeavour; another traveller on the road to enlightenment.

“The millimetre detected a change in his mass. Specifically IT's right arm. I imagine you know who's?”

A friend.

“Anders Paulson,” the Man replied, handing the scientist a newspaper. “Mr Atomic world champion. A good choice.”

The scientist looked over the newspaper article. “ I imagine you'll be able to get me the required samples?”

“In time,” the Man said, leaning closer to the screens. “ The police only finished there a few hours ago. We'll intercept the blood and material samples at the required time.” He tapped at the screen. “Do you think HE's aware we're watching?”

The Scientist shrugged. “Probably.”

The Man looked back, smiling. “Probably? Not very scientific of you.”

“There's a time and place for everything. This is a good time for probably. We've gathered so much data on IT and were still just scratching the surface.” He leaned closer to the screen himself. “It truly is a marvel. No, a wonder; a wonder of science.”

“Careful; you sound like your falling in love.”

“Only with the possibilities,” the Scientist replied, with a smile. “Just like you.”

The Man laughed. “True, true.” He stepped back from the screens. “Any ideas yet on how HE's accessing our data?”

“Not for the moment, no. Like is said,we still know so little about IT; Hell, current theory is that IT's accessing our computers by remotely inducing electrical currents directly into the circuits. Sounds crazy, but currently its what makes the most sense..”

“We'll keep working on it,” the Man said. “As much as I want this prize, I still want to make sure we can secure of data-banks. Speaking of which, has he started following the crumbs?”

“That I can say with certainty,” The Scientist replied. He passed the Man a sheet of paper. “He accessed the genetic survey banks two days ago, and went straight for the target files. No others were accessed.”

“Good, good. Although I wonder if he's aware of our subterfuge. In which case, who's leading who around?” The Man coughed, pulling an hanky from his suit. “Oh, there is one other development I thought you should know.”

“Oh? What's that?”

“The DAC,” the man said, blowing his nose. “They've been assigned the case. They were there this morning.”

The scientist seemed nonplussed. “Figures. The authorities wouldn't want to touch this one with a ten foot pole; It falls to far outside their comfort zone.” he thought for a moment, “ If anything, this could help us; The DAC is very “creative” for a police unit. They may stumble something that may be of use to us.”

“Agreed,” the Man said, nodding. “They might also get in our way. The recently got assigned a new member: the Red Doll.”

“The soviet cyborg? She's good, yes, but hardly dangerous in the grand scheme of things.”

“I hope your not underestimating them,” the Man replied. “Her assignment may indicate the interest of other parties. We know their our there; especially after he mulched that Jap wetworks team.”

“And I’m sure we can handle it,” The Scientist leaned back in his chair. “And if we can't, well, more probably than not, IT will.”


The two lapsed into silence, watching IT sleep. IT was curled up in a ball, the compact shape hiding its large size. They had often wondered why IT slept like that; the best they could come up with was it was some kind of protective measure, to hide the more fragile parts of IT's body.

Suddenly, as they watched, IT began to stir; IT unfurled to its full height, then stood, going through a series of stretches. Getting IT's body ready.

“Well, this is new,” the Scientist said excitedly. “Usually IT sleeps for at least ten hours after a kill; somethings got IT up again.”

IT stood still for a moment,seemingly lost in thought; then with speed an purpose, IT moved swiftly off screen.

“HE's on the move!” The Man said, his own voice tinged with excitement.

The scientist tracked IT on the screens. “IT's heading for the access hatch.”

“Could HE be going hunting?”

“Maybe. Maybe a food run, no way to tell.” The Scientist turned to the Man. “This is new behaviour; we should treat it as a possible hunt and have him followed. The possibility of getting a fresh sample is to good to pass up.”

“Agreed,” the man said, pulling a mobile phone from his suit. “I'll call in a team, have them track HIM asap.”

On the screen, IT stood at the door, waiting for something. IT looked around, and for a moment, IT looked right at the spy camera, right into the eyes of the Scientist.

A chill went down his spine, an electric shiver of excitement. Could IT see me? Is It aware I'm watching IT?

The feeling of excitement spread over the Scientists body. That was the future, looking at him.

The new Master of the Earth. Out on the hunt again.

Next Chapter: @tsudohnimh/red-doll-politics-never-gets-old

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