[RandomSteemit.com] New Steemit Tool! Automatically Go To A New Random Article!

I found SteemJS a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it seeing what it could do. I was thinking of ways I could change up how I interact with steemit a little since I have been finding myself "Bandwagon Voting" and relying on things like SteemUps to increase my curation rewards. I was thinking, how can I make steemit the Social Platform it was intended to be....

That is why I created randomsteemit.com! Now when you are bored at work and are tired of endlessly scrolling through the trending articles or your feed, just go to randomsteemit.com and it will give you a random, fresh article to check out!

Currently when you navigate to this page it will countdown from 8 seconds and open up a new tab. I am aware that this DOES NOT work on mobile safari, and therefore as for now if you're on mobile safari (why?) you will need to click the "Open Here" link. I am working on a fix for this but the restrictions of mobile safari are more than most.

If you have any issues with the site, please create an issue or let me know in the comments!

You can find this project here, feel free to fork and clone (with credit :) )

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