10 Steemit Blogging Do's And Don'ts 🚀

What's the best way to get lots of upvotes on your Steemit posts?

It's good content that brings your a lot of upvotes.

If you're a new author at Steemit, you might be struggling to get upvotes on your posts. Don't worry. It's part of the process and there are ways that can help you move in the right direction.


Here are the Do's and Don'ts of blogging:


i. Do define your niche (category) and stick to it.
ii. Do write every day and at the same time
iii. Do write in a conversational style
iv. Do put yourself in your audience's shoes
v. Do use visual content to improve the first impression of your blog
vi. Do answer the questions of your audience through your blog.
vii. Do use your existing social media audience to spread the word out.
viii. Do share your human side with your audience through your blog.
ix. Do provide value through your blogs
x. Do credit the photos or excerpts of others that you use in your blog posts.


i. Don't write without a clear vision in your mind. Blog for blog is a big NO.
ii. Don't write overly promotional content. Remember the 80/20 rule.
iii. Don't post without proofreading.
iv. Don't quit if you don't get the desired results. It will take some time so keep doing it.
v. Don't use the categories in tag sections that are not relevant to your blog. The main category must be the same every time.
vi. Don't plagiarize rather cite others in your blog.
vii. Don't spam to promote your blog on posts of others. Do it tactfully.
viii. Don't be negative.
ix. Don't try to do everything at the same time. Things take time so set goals.
x. Don't lose your authority for couple of upvotes.


Keep these dos and don'ts in your view while starting/doing blog posts and I'm sure you will keep moving towards becoming a brand.

What are your biggest challenges while blogging? Mention that in the comments and I'll try my best to answer.


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