Rambling Thoughts: Minnowbootcamp updates and hopefully caught a plagiarist!


This project is going well, already I will have to go to the paid upgrades for auto-votes of my minnows, the "free" levels just cover up to 20 accounts. We are using the new "Steem Dunk" and it's been reliable, easy to use and has a really good interface.

We also have a new Discord for Boot Camp, I will leave a link at the bottom. It has the obligatory "Read Only" section with the pertinent links for signing up to Steem Dunk or other auto-voter services, steemworld.org for Account Stats,
steemreports.com for delegations, vote bot reports and other useful info, plus other links that are useful in the process.
Next we have the "Enlisted Minnows Club" where the recruits can go and chat, learn from each other or just BS and have a good time. Quite the popular place at times, it has been jumpin' at certain times of the day. Checked the members and it's up to 37 already! Once the real voting starts, I expect it to grow pretty fast... I just hope the few I have now don't get all addicted to the bigger votes that are coming for the moment ;)

To Catch a Plagiarist?

Over at #steemsilvergold, when STAX Speaks, People LISTEN. So she was speaking again recently, and the trolls were coming in as fast as the members! I took it upon myself to use my nifty little "sh!tpost.gif"
file photo on them, and actually made a new friend in the process, I hope! We had a good exchange, I lifted the "GIF" and gave him an upvote in exchange. Had another there actually vote-begging from Stax, and spamming a link too! Thanks to @mikeshuh, who told me it was plagiarized material, I alerted Steem Cleaners and we shall see what happens. Barring that, we may have to organize a flagging party, the blatantly stolen material has been spammed across Fake-Book for at least 2 years now. Too bad for them they messed with #SSG! That will teach them! "Earnings" are $11 at this time, I do not have that level of flag power,

Image credits are gifsoup.com and giphy.com respectively

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