Upvote Shares Level 3 Available...

@upvoteshares is a project from @costanza that aims to provide Daily Upvotes based on a fair model that should be sustainable and scalable over time. This Project is mainly aimed towards Steemians with a longer term mindset.

If you are not fully up to date with this project, I highly recommend reading all the details in the Terms and & Conditions !

The account has reached 744SP unlocking level 3 (See Table) after level 2 got sold out around 22 days ago. This means 50 new shares from the @upvoteshares account that spreads out daily upvotes become available. ~20 have already been reserved and approved.

6 Shares @thedarkhorse
6 Shares @costanza
2 Shares @lawlees
2 Shares @simplymike
2 Shares @angelacs
1 Share @crypto-econom1st
1 Share @byebyehamburgers

It is no problem whatsoever in case anyone who reserved a share changed their mind, just let me know in the comments. Same goes if you want more shares than reserved. In case I forgot to add someone on the list also let me know and I make sure you are able to get in this level.

-50Available Shares
Share Price3.380 STEEMCan be recovered at any given time by selling the share on the market, but comes with a 0.200 STEEM exit cost which benefits all other shareholders.
Share Entry Cost0.300 STEEMWill be used to Buy Delegation to slightly increase the upvote worth and allows 1 Minnow Share Sponsorship.
Total3.680 STEEMThe total Steem for 1 Share

1 Daily upvote from the @upvoteshares AccountThis for as long as this project runs. (the 3.380 STEEM Share Price can be claimed back in case the project ever ends!)
1 @minnowshares Sponsorship GiveawayCan be Sponsored to someone by choice or be given away by hosting a Contest. Only accounts with <750SP or that have been sponsored between 1 and 6 Minnow shares in the past qualify to be sponsored a Minnow Share (See List).

At any given time, the amount of SP in the account will at least be 10% higher compared to the current share price based on the amount of shares. [ Example Level 3 Price = 3.380 STEEM | Minimum Powered Up SP in Account = (3.380 STEEM x 200 SHARES)x1.1 = 743.6 SP ]

Each share represents an equal daily voting % from the account that can be calculated. For Level 2 this is 1000% / 200 Shares = 5.00% Upvote. Based on current Steem Price this is a ~0.0022$ upvote. (To calculate accurately do SP x10000 and Upvote /10000 see image )

This is the Minimum Guaranteed number in case every single share is active and all daily upvotes are used without counting any of the value creating mechanisms the project offers. The minimum value goes up each time a new level is reached because shares will always become more expensive as the account grows and extra SP is being added each new level. Those who got in on level 1 paid 3.32 STEEM for their share and have already increased their minimum return a bit (see numbers).

There are currently still more than 60 inactive shares out of the 200 shares that will be in circulation after level 2 is complete and they don't count towards the upvote % distribution. Many of the level 1 & level 2 shares don't make daily posts which allows for an increased overall voting percentage to ~1250%+. Each Level is pre-funded which means most of the SP from Level 4 will already be in the account to increase the upvote value. Leased SP from Level 0 and Level 1 & 2 are still active (~400SP) and this will be increased by buying extra 90 day delegation from all the 0.300 STEEM entry costs that came with the Level 2 Shares.

All this brings the expected upvote for each Share at...
1250% / 140 = ~10% from the @upvoteshares account that will have 1450+ SP in it.
This currently makes the upvote for 1 share worth ~0.00847$.
(The 10% vote for each share might increase or decrease depending on how the total Voting Power holds up but will always stay above the minimum promised Percentage. Level 2 Upvotes were expected at 14% but turned out at 25% !)

While the upvotes themselves might not be spectacular especially after current crypto market crash, it is important to know that they are realistic and sustainable. One of the main ideas is that each share beats a 10x self-upvote that can be done with the amount of Steem it represents. If steem goes back up the upvote $ amounts will increase along with that.

Daily UpvoteBefore CurationAfter Curation
3.380 SP (10x Self Upvote)~0.00197$~0.00197$
1 Upvote Share Minimum~0.00217$~0.00174$
1 Upvote Share Expected~0.00847$~0.00678$

Calculations were done using The Steemit Upvote Calculator

It is important always to focus on the minimum upvote and see everything on top as something extra that will likely decrease over time. Upvotes will be set at minute 24 which will take ~20% curation rewards, while this does not beat the 10x self upvote at the bare minimum levels, it will over time since the value of each share always increases. [ see table ]

  1. Every Upvote Share comes with 1 Minnow Share that can be sponsored. The ones that get sponsored get on the auto-upvote list from the @minnowshares account until the next level is reached. Everyone who manages to get sponsored 6 Minnow Shares over time can claim 1 Upvote Share. (There are 50 reserved all inactive in level 0). A post will be made where everyone can reply with who they want to Sponsor. There will be a 10+ day delay for Minnow Shares to start spreading out upvotes so everyone has enough time to choose who they want to sponsor or organise a contest. If you don't have anyone to sponsor you can always donate your sponsorship at the Pay It Forward @pifc contest from @thedarkhorse which will make sure it goes to good accounts.

  2. The account of every Shareholder will be followed by the @upvoteshares account, this will help to increase the followers_mvest needed to get / increase busy.org | busy.pay upvotes.

  3. Everyone who has 2 or more Upvote Shares can choose 1 post they want to have resteemed on the @upvoteshares account before the next level is reached to give it some more exposure.

It is possible to Sponsor 1 or more Upvote Shares to someone else. In this case the Steem remains owned by the one who made the sponsorship and and can be fully claimed back to them in case the project ever ends. Only when the account that got sponsored agrees can the share be sold on the market by the account that gave out the sponsorship. The Minnow Share Sponsorship that comes along with each share can also be sponsored by the person who Sponsored the Upvote Share but can not go to the same account.

Sponsoring someone a Share where they have full ownership can be done by sending them the needed Steem so they can send it over to the account.

Previous Levels Information

0Level 0 (100% Complete)Link
1Level 1 (100% Complete)Link
2Level 2 (100% Complete)Link

(Shares 88 & 89 were won by @bengy & @veryspider, they will be added to the spreadsheet once Level 3 is 100% complete)

The amount of shares are limited and the idea is only to accept Steemit Accounts with a longer term mindset that somehow have a positive impact on the Steemit Community. Everyone who wants to buy shares in the program needs to apply in the comments. (If you have shares reserved just confirm in the comments). You will get a reply if you have been accepted or not and for how many shares.

How to Apply In The Comments...

  1. First make sure you have read the Terms and & Conditions. There are a lot of details in there that might be important to understand before you try to get in.

  2. State how many shares you would like to get. You can always include some reasons why if your account does not speak for itself. It might get you a spot reserved for the next level in case there is too much demand now. (Sponsoring Upvote Shares to someone is also possible)

  3. Once approved you will get a reply with how to proceed.

  4. Do NOT send any Steem over before you got a reply. (all mistaken transfers will be returned 100%)

List of All Shareholders

--@minnowshares (Reserved Shares)50
-Future Giveaways12

That's it, I will do what I can to make things go as smooth as possible..
I hope to have this level closed down within a week so make sure you have the needed Steem available for the requested shares.

Feel free to scrutinise this project along with the numbers and let me know if something doesn't add up, or if I made a mistake somewhere. All the earnings from this post will be used to grow the account which benefits all shareholders and helps to reach the next level!

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