ALERT! Steemians Are LOSING $1000USD Per Week To Randowhale When The Vote Isn't Completed Fast Enough!

I've been using the Randowhale service (and some other new ones) to boost the value of my posts at Steemit with generally decent results -but something just occurred to me that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet. The curation rules at Steemit mean that if a post is upvoted in the first few minutes after it is made, then the curation rewards go to the Post's Author, but the more time passes, the more money will go to the one making the upvote and the less that will go to the Author!

So, this essentially means that if you don't use randowhale and other upvote services right away after posting, that the operators of the account being used to run the upvote service will be earning curation rewards that could have been paid to you instead!

A whale eats small fish for breakfast!

The Steemit FAQ says:
"If a post is upvoted the moment of posting, 100% of the curation reward goes to the author.
At 3 minutes, 90% goes to the author and 10% to the curator.
At 15 minutes it's a 50/50 split.
At 27 minutes, 10% goes to the author and 90% to the curator.
If a post is upvoted 30 min after posting, 100% of the curation reward goes to the curator."

Is this why some of the services have a long delay between you making the payment and the vote being cast?

At the time of me writing here, Randowhale has earned it's operators 522.775 STEEM POWER In the previous week alone just in curation payments, which is nearly $1000USD per week that could have gone to Steemit users that all went to Randowhale's operators instead!

You can check to see whether your posts have not returned you an optimum payout from RandoWhale in the Curation listing here: @randowhale/curation-rewards

What do you think?

Is this a fair situation? Ultimately it all depends on how much profit/reward is in it for you the 'customer' of the service, but when some of that profit is syphoned away without your knowledge, you are not in a good position to make the best decision.

Am I missing something? Let us hear your thoughts in the comments below. thanks!

Wishing you well, Ura


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