Are Steemit-like Point Scoring Apps Going to Take Over The World? Get Points for EVERYTHING IN LIFE?!

I was just watching James Corbett talk about a new Canadian Gov. App that rewards users for their healthy behaviour and he points us to a presentation from a few years ago in which a vision of the future is shared that includes earning 'points' for everything in life! I have to say that the connection between this vision and Steemit is clear to me and I wonder where all of this is heading.. As Always it's up to us to make the future what we need it to be and not some hellish, corporate controlled nightmare.

Carrot Rewards?

carrot rewards

For someone such as me who seeks to empower free will and to totally end enslavement, the idea of being rewarded for my every move AND receiving 'advice' from 'experts' about my every move is totally freaky and not what I want at all. Yet that is apparently what some of those who control the world's governments are aiming at for us! Rather than seeking to heal, balance and evolve in a holistic, engaging and heartfelt way - they are simply seeking to use the 'carrot and the stick' approach (literally) by paying us to be healthy. To the mind of a political economist this might make perfect sense - After all, it saves the government money when we are healthy and, well, doesn't the government always know what's best?

Well, no, they don't. In truth, most governments have a terrible record for offering 'advice' regarding health - but, hey, we can just vote in a better government, right? Well, no - not really - it has long been proven to me that the world's governments are total facades intended to give the impression of having been freely chosen, yet in truth they are in no way whatsoever intended to truly reflect the will of the people.

I highly recommend checking out James' new video on this here:

Here's the full video he referenced:

How can we use Steemit in a truly helpful way? Are the Anarchic roots of Steemit enough protection?

Steemit was designed, according to it's creators, to embody a form of anarcho-capitalism - whereby the limits and controls are removed from exchange and rewards as much as possible. In principle, when compared to existing forms of state controlled capitalism, this is a good thing. However, it doesn't really matter how great an idea is, there are always those 'out there' who seek to manipulate and warp that good idea for their own nefarious purposes. How would you feel if Coca Cola or Monsanto decided to integrate the Steem blockchain into their products somehow? So that you earned steem for using their toxic products? Is there any way to stop that from occurring?

As always, enlightenment is the soulution

There really isn't a problem in life that cannot be soulved by enlightenment. Enlightenment generally refers to 'increased understanding' and so what I am pointing to here is that this technology, as with most technology - can be used in an enlightened and wise way, or the opposite. It is up to you, dear reader, and to us all - to figure out how to make the best of what we have here and to not allow it to be warped and corrupted by those among the population who would literally kill their own mother to make a buck!

What do you think/feel on this? Got comments?

If you have any thoughts, feedback or inspired, related ideas then let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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