HOWTO: Steemit Reply/Mention Notifications Not Working For You? A Fix is HERE to Monitor Your Steemit Activity in REAL TIME!

You may have noticed that your aren't always receiving notifications in Steemit of your Replies, Comments and other Events... In this post I will show you a way to work around this problem and to add extra features to the notification system too!

Thanks to Void, we have a cunning App that can be used to view a stream of Steemit activity for our accounts in realtime. The App provides audio/desktop/browser notifications and extra detail about the events too - so what's not to like?

activity stream

I have been using the app SteemWatch for a few weeks and I am very happy with it so far. I can even view a stream of my Steemit activity in the Steemit Chat app - powered by Steemwatch!

How does it work?

  1. Head over to Steemwatch and click a method of signing in, using an exsiting social account - from one of the ones available.
  2. Once you are signed in, click onEvents and add your Steemit username into the first input field and click the 'Add' Button.
  3. Additionally, add your username to the other various types of notifications that it is possible to receive via the app. For example, you can track transactions to and from your account and also be notified when you are mentioned by someone on Steemit.
  4. Visit the Notifications page and link your new SteemWatch account to your Steemit Chat profile (Create a Steemit Chat profile If you don't already have one by visiting the chat app at:
  5. Enable the option to Connect SteemWatch to your Steemit Chat profile.

You can now see new notifications in the Event Stream in Realtime or via the direct message channel that will now have been created inside the Steemit Chat App when you login there. You should see 'SteemWatch' as a new channel in the bottom-left of the sidebar of the Steemit Chat App if all is well.

If you optionally enable desktop notifications when asked by your web browser, you will hear audio signals to let you know that a new notification has been sent to you from Steemit! Pretty Useful Stuff!

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Let me know your thoughts and comments below, thanks!



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