Just So We're Clear - The Tech Manager of Steemit Is Anti Democracy and Pro Oligarchy - in His Own Words.

Given that I am currently doing what I can to investigate the details of whether the 'conspiracy theories' regarding potentially deliberate manipulation is taking place within Steemit to centralise power and throw a spanner in the works of the intended decentralised design of Steemit put in place by @dan - the following quote from @Sneak could not have come at a more timely moment...

It was a few weeks ago that Sneak downvoted a popular post I made that exposed Bill Gates because the post offered an alternative narrative on vaccine science to the one being peddled by the corrupt agencies of government science. He stated then that he would downvote every post that contradicted the mainstream in such a way. This caused an understandable backlash in the community for a while as there are many here who think of Steemit and Steem as a free speech friendly and transparent system made by people with integrity.

I have held off from making a full post on this subject, partially because I am so busy and partially because it requires a lot of work to get all the details in place. However, I feel it is important to relay to the community this latest amazing quote from Sneak taken from under this post:

Democracy is overrated. If we didn’t have a deep state making sure certain important things were done correctly, democracy would have ruined a lot of things by now.

sneak democracy

Now, for those paying attention, I have written many times about the Ivy League historian Carroll Quigley and how he exposed decades ago that the main democracies have always been entirely fake, by design, to ensure oligarchy is kept in place - while the masses remain little more than naive slaves. Given this fact, we are really in no position to be able to assess whether representational democracy is a workable approach. Furthermore, DIRECT democracy (where every human gets a vote instead of using MPs / Senators etc.) is the only valid form of democracy that truly represents the voices of the people and we surely have no experience of that either.

I will certainly agree that since democracy is basically the agreement that 'someone' can tell you what to do - democracy is fatally flawed. However, my reason for saying the democracy is flawed is because it cannot respect free will and it always results in some being trampled over by the crowd. The problem with Sneak's position is that he appears to be saying that the problem with democracy is not that people get overpowered, but that the problem is the total opposite and that democracy gives people TOO MUCH of a voice! His solution then is that the 'deep state' of shadowy military contractors and 'thinktanks' must swallow up vast amounts of resources to attempt to mind control and manipulate people from behind the scenes to make up for the 'free thinking' that apparently he detests so much..

If you are unsure what 'Deep State' means, here is a post on a CIA whistleblower who gives specifics.

Is this guy REALLY running important aspects of Steemit.com ? It surely answers a few questions about the problems we have been having!

This is a platform based on VOTING - as with DEMOCRACY.. Here we have the tech manager of Steemit literally telling you out in the open that he thinks that shadowy manipulation of voting and free markets/trade/information sharing is REQUIRED and a thoroughly good thing! #popcorn

Here's the talk from CIA whistleblower Kevin Shipp:

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

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