Hey @anyx, I want to propose @cheetah Bot Version 2 to Improve Steem


See This post on the Plan!

To @anyx, @steemcleaners, and others interested in avoiding spam, poor quality posts, and teaching new users how to post on STEEM:

Next generation Cheetah Bot concept (and more)

I happen to be new to the Steem platform, but I have already encountered poor quality posts. I have learned a bit about how “policing” the Steem ecosystem has been done through the steemcleaners account. I recently found a post, discovered it was just a cut-and-paste (thanks @cheetah) and I flagged it with my super-low steem-powered minnow account. My comments were flagged when I explained in detail why pasting in other people’s content, without their consent, is not good for STEEM.

Some people still don’t get why cut-and-paste (and other forms of copying) are discouraging on Steem. I persevered and finally received some agreement that Steem authors shouldn't just copy and paste commercial content and simply link back to it. I believe I won that little argument.

Well, I don’t know if that ordeal gave me the idea, but however my brain did it, I’ve got an explosive idea.

I have an idea for Cheetah bot 2.0, and in fact a system that goes a bit beyond where @steemcleaners are right now. Way, way beyond, in fact. It will be a huge leap in usability for content creators… while being a proactive deterrent against poor-quality Steem posts.

Source: (Cheetah image by @dmitlex, used under fair use)

I have finished writing a proposal for this idea. I am ready to click “Submit a Story” and publish it. However, the problem with Steem right now is that ideas on Steem have a very short timespan. Somewhere between 2 and 20 hours from posting it, the post will possibly fade. I wanted to maximize my chances by contacting some fellow Steemians directly.

So since coming up with the idea, I have contacted some influential members of the Steem community in private to see what they think. I have gotten positive feedback so far!

I’d like to release the idea to @anyx and as many other witnesses as possible. The idea will need some brainpower (developers), community support (from you), and the support of some of the pioneers (like @anyx) who have brought the platform to where it is.

In the next 24 hours or perhaps sooner, I will release my project idea to the community, and I am predicting that the idea will be well received.

  • Let’s fight spam and the reuse of content without permission!
  • Let’s make Steem a better place!
  • This proposal will positively change the way Steemit deals with low-quality content!
  • It will be able to both dissuade low-quality content and improve cooperation among Steem users!
  • Give @uruiamme follow so that you can see my proposal as soon as it comes out!


See This post on the Plan!

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